Birdline Central & Southern Queensland
Published sightings for the week ending 7 Apr 2013.
Sat 6 Apr
Comb-crested Jacana
Kedron Brook Wetlands
Possible immature.
Bird was first spotted by Ashwin Rudder. We were walking the bitumen bike path. The bird was seen in flooded short grass just north of the junction of the canal.
Chris Martinez Ashwin Rudder
Australian Painted Snipe, 160+ Red-kneed Dotterel, Peregrine, Spotless Crake
Maroochy River, Sunshine Coast
A pair of Australian Painted Snipe, between 160 and 200 Red-kneed Dotterel (extraordinary number for this region), 100 Pacific Golden Plover, 4 Spotless Crake, Peregrine in flooded grasslands
Greg Roberts
Wed 3 Apr
Little Tern
Ewan Maddock Dam, Landsborough
Single Little Tern over water today, regularly diving. Not previously seen by observers at this site.
Russ Lamb, Ken Cross
Tue 2 Apr
Black Kite
Dowse Lagoon, Sandgate
Judy Leitch, Kathy Clark and Joy Graydon
50+ Black Kite flying high and heading north with the light southerly
Judy Leitch, Kathy Clark, Joy Graydon
Tue 2 Apr
Cotton Pygmy-Goose
Black Duck Hole, Murrumba Downs
Judy Leitch, Kathy Clarke and Joy Graydon. Weather fine, warm.
Cotton Pygmy-Goose (1) Female. Views for about 5 minutes at 7:55am. Did not see it again and we searched for 2 hours.
Judy Leitch
Mon 1 Apr
grey goshawk
Gap Creek Reserve, Mt Coot-Tha
approximately 7am, single bird flew to top of eucalypt, near roundabout at gap creek rd and highwood rd intersection
justin watson
Cotton Pygmy-Goose
Black Duck Hole, Murrumba Downs
In the lagoon on the right when driving over the bridge
Carla Archibald
Sun 31 Mar
Wandering Tattler
Single bird foraging at Schnapper Rocks. Almost high tide but quite a few rocks still exposed, stormy weather and big waves. Also present was Peter Ryan.
Rebecca Ryan
Sun 31 Mar
Hoary-headed Grebe
Jahnke's Lagoon
One bird swimming close to the near-road margin of the lagoon, seen at ~2:30pm. Possibly a couple more further out but weather was turning bad and we didn't stick around long. Lots of good birds on the lagoon this time in good numbers.
Russell Yong, with T Crispin & J Rowland
Fri 29 Mar
Black Kite
A wheel of 10-12 Black Kites where the Cunningham and Warrego (Darren Lockyer) Hwys begin and split at Dinmore, seen around 2pm Good Friday. A few isolated singles and couples were also seen here and there along the Cunningham Hwy and the road to Boonah from the Yamanto turn-off onwards.
Russell Yong, with T Crispin & J Rowland
Freckled Duck (4)
Pechey's Lagoon, Lower Tenthill, s/w of Gatton
Part of a day's birding in the Lockyer Valley with Peter Ryan. After seeing the single Freckled Duck at Karrasch we kept going on to Pechey's where we saw 4 more individuals. Birds were very close and made for great viewing. The lagoon was very full of water and teeming with birdlife.
Rebecca Ryan
Thu 21 Mar
Torresian Imperial-Pigeon
Havenna Road, River Heads
This is my second sighting in the Turtle Cove estate this season. Always one solitary bird. I have had previous sightings during the last few years.
Torresian Imperial-Pigeon (1)
Peter Royall
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