Apologies for the late moderation of this and a few other recent messages, I
didn't get around to checking them between about 5pm yesterday and 7am today. I
assume Bill Stent is on his way to Queensland at the moment, so we're a
moderator short at the moment.
Also apologies to "Confused and Frustrated" of Sandstone Point, Qld, for not
changing the subject line. Sometimes I think it's more confusing to change the
subject line when the subject changes if it's still vaguely linked to the
original message.
Peter Shute
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of
> Mick Roderick
> Sent: Tuesday, 15 January 2013 5:49 PM
> To: Mike Carter; Steve Clark;
> Cc: 'David James'
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Tanzanians need help with Frigatebird id
> Mike, Steve et al,
> I'm not sure if my other post reached the list (it hasn't hit
> my inbox)
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