Sun 14 Oct
Leaden Flycatcher
Spring Plains NCR, Heathcote
There was a pair of Leaden Flycatcher courting along Newlyn Track, Spring Plains NCR this morning. Also in the area were Noisy Friarbird, Black-chinned Honeyeater, countless Fuscous Honeyeater and an Australian Owlet-nightjar calling at around 10.30am.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Sun 14 Oct
Little Egret, Lewin's Rail, Australian Spotted Crake, Horsfield's Bushlark, Brown Songlark, Rufous S
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Little Egret: A single example of the nominate (Asian) race in the Western Lagoons with at least three birds of race immaculata/nigripes
Lewin's Rail: Crossing track 100m west of intersection immediately west of hide
Australian Spotted Crake: Two seen in shallow ponds about 300m south-west of hide (on coastal side of track)
Also, one Horsfield's Bushlark, three Brown Songlarks and one Rufous Songlark seen
Paul Dodd & Ruth Woodrow
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren, Bassian Thrush
Brisbane Ranges National Park
Quite surprised to see a Bassian Thrush carrying a beakful of worms at Stoney Creek. At least 4 groups of Chestnut-rumped Heathwrens seen or heard in south of park.
BirdLife Melbourne
Spotted Quail-thrush
A male bird by the Tatong-Tolmie Road calling well. The habitat by the road here was great for this species, a dry rocky ridge with a grassy understorey.
Michael Ramsey
Toombullup State Forest
One bird heard calling in tall forest along the Tatong-Tolmie Road. First return for spring this year.
Michael Ramsey
Leaden Flycatcher
Rifle Butts Reserve, Mansfield
Great views of a pair calling from open woodland on the edge of the reserve. First return for spring this year.
Michael Ramsey
Baillon's Crake
University Hill Wetland, Bundoora
Baillon's Crake (2) feeding on floating weed on upstream side of walkway. Haven't recorded these here before.
Peter Bennet
Sat 13 Oct
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren, White-winged Triller, Grey Currawong, Varied Sittella
Anglesea Heath
Lots of birds at Anglesea Heath this morning before the weather turned bad including great looks at a Chestnut-rumped Heathwren, a male White-winged Triller, a strange Grey Currawong that was very dark sooty grey and lacked white wing patches, and looked very much like race melanoptera (Black-winged Currawong). Also a flock of Varied Sittella along Coalmine Rd containing at least two individuals that clearly looked to be race pileata with solid black hoods and clean white underparts. Other groovy birds seen here included a white phase Grey Goshawk, Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, a pair of Southern Emu-wren and a Spotted Harrier.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Sat 13 Oct
Black-eared Cuckoo
Heard and seen. Also Diamond Firetail, Black-chinned Honeyeater, Rainbow Bee-eater, Rufous Songlark, White-winged Triller.
Roger Thomas
Sacred Kingfisher
Stony Creek West Footscray
We've lived here for 12 years and most years a sacred kingfisher visits for a few days. In the worst of the drought years we didn't see any at all. Our first sighting this year was Sunday 7 October with subsequent sightings during the week.
Bernice Murphy
Fri 12 Oct
Rufous Songlark, Ruddy Turnstone, Freckled Duck
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Cold, wet and windy day with nonetheless a few birds about. There were 2 Rufous Songlark singing strongly in the woodlot along Pt Wilson Rd, a
single Ruddy Turnstone in Western Lagoons Pond 5 and one seen flying out of Austin Rd Summer Pond 2, and a Freckled Duck preening out on Lake Borrie. 4 Grey plover in various stages of post-breeding moult were out on Nth Spit with a few Red Knot, 3 different Spotted Harrier gave great views as did the vast numbers of immaculate Whiskered Tern everywhere and the 50 odd Cattle Egret still about looking fine indeed with good breeding color. 99 species for the morning.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Fri 12 Oct
Australian King-Parrot
Bartley's Block, Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park
Observed a single male King Parrot feeding in Gums on eastern boundary of the the block. Also seen were good numbers of White-throated Gerygone and Speckled Warblers nearby.
Warren & Cheryl Palmer
Arctic Tern
Albert park lake
Arctic Tern observed on the lake, fishing and stationary on the jetty.
Sanderson Topham
Thu 11 Oct
Banded Stilt, Red-necked Avocet, Black-winged Stilt
Port Melbourne
Following up Richard Nowotny's report on Birding-aus about Red-necked Avocet at the flooded area opposite Webb Dock on Wiliamstown Road (below the West Gate), there was an individual of each of the Australian members of the family- a Black-winged Stilt, a Red-necked Avocet and a Banded Stilt in immature plumage.
Sean Dooley
Painted Honeyeater
Deep Lead Flora and Fauna Reserve
Three birds calling at Ian McCann dam
Richard & Margaret Alcorn
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee - T-Section Grasslands.
At 1930 hours, observed two adult and two good sized juvenile Brolgas in the swamp area of the T-Section Grasslands, west of the Department of Defence security gate on 29 Mile Road.
Peter Gibbons.
Square-tailed Kite
Newstead township
Single bird hunting in typical style in the centre of town at ~ 6pm this evening. A welcome return of a regular spring visitor.
Geoff Park
Wed 10 Oct
Pacific Golden Plover
Reef Island Westernport Bay
Nine Pacific Golden Plovers at the southern end of the island, have been in residence for two weeks feeding with Ruddy Turnstones and Grey-tailed Tattlers.
Derek Whitehead
Little Tern and Whiskered Tern
Snipe Point - Hollands Landing Gippsland
Flock of 172 Little Tern in non breeding plumage observed with scope on eastern side of wetland preening and paddling, most likely northern hemisphere Japanese birds. Most number of birds seen at this location for over six years.
In addition 48 Whiskered Tern in breeding plumage scattered amongst Little Tern.
Faye Bedford
Tue 9 Oct
Sacred Kingfisher
Lillydale Lake
Uncommon sighting of Hardhead ,Pink Eared Duck and Sacred Kingfisher at the lake along with all the usual suspects nesting and feeding young.Spotted and Striated Pardalotes ,Grey Shrike Thrush and Grey Fantails. No Cuckoos or Orioles yet.
Arthur Samuel
Mon 8 Oct
Lewin's Rail
Lakes Entrance, North Arm
Lewin's Rail came out of the rushes at dusk at edge of small creek feeding into the lake. First time I've seen this species here. Also large numbers (100+) of Hardhead and an Australian Darter on the North Arm of the lakes.
Anthea Stubbs
Painted Button-quail, Speckled Warbler.
Mt Black, Heathcote-Graytown NP
Painted Button-quail seen on the north side of the road close to the carpark at the base of the mountain. Speckled Warblers seen in various spots on the track up the mountain, along with Pallid Cuckoos and a variety of thornbills, Buff-rumped, Yellow-rumped, and Weebills. Both Brown and White-throated Treecreepers seen also.
Ian Miles
Sun 7 Oct
White-throated Nightjar
Bunyip State Park
White-throated Nightjar - 1 seen overhead at the Helipad on dusk, another calling nearby. Earliest I've recorded them here in spring.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Sun 7 Oct
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren
Sandy Creek Road Newstead
3 birds seen near the intersection of Sandy Creek Road.
First time we've been lucky enough to spot any in this area.
Greg and Janice McKay
Marsh Sandpiper
Moodie Swamp Wetland Reserve
Marsh Sandpiper (7). A small flock seen in flight and roosting on the northern side, perhaps passing through on migration, waders are very rare in this area.
Michael Ramsey
Sat 6 Oct
Scarlet Honeyeater
Lurg, NE Victoria
Single Scarlet Honeyeater on private property near Lurg. Also White Winged Trillers, Diamond Firetails and many Western Gerygones. Part of BirdLife Australia survey.
Stuart Dashper and Rohan Mott
Fri 5 Oct
Australian Owlet-nightjar, Spotted Nightjar, Rainbow Bee-eater, Crested Bellbird, Gilbert's Whistler
Neilborough 10' Cell
Branch camp on private property in Neilborough district. Photo courtesy of Marg Clarke.
BirdLife Murray Goulburn
Thu 4 Oct
Nankeen Night-Heron
Yandoit Hills
Nankeen Night-Heron (1) single bird, vocal on approach. perched in tree before circling to move on to nearby dam. Exciting sighting for Yandoit Hills!
Alana Jones
Sat 29 Sep
Black-faced, Masked, Dusky and White Browed Woodswallows
Rowans Rd Gobur Flora Reserve
A weekend camp and visit to the reserve, these were observed by all members of the party (20), led by David Aps Thomas.
The Black Faced and Masked are the first observations in this district to our knowledge.
Members of Birdlife on camp excursion. Bob Tate submitting
Sun 16 Sep
Powerful Owl
Warby-Ovens National Park (Wenhams Camp)
Powerful Owl (1) Heard clearly and close to camp during night at Wenhams Campground.
Chris Lindorff