Sun 7 Oct
Grey Plover, Eastern Curlew, Red Knot
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
4 Grey Plover, an Eastern Curlew and 7 Red Knot flew in as we watched at North Spit around 11am on a dropping tide. 10 minutes later they'd all moved on.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Sun 7 Oct
Painted Honeyeater
Killawarra Forest
Terrific birding first thing this morning after heavy rain across the region on Saturday. Many Painted Honeyeater seen and heard constantly in mistletoe around The Oval area.
Luke Shelley
Fri 5 Oct
Pilotbird, Pink Robin
Toolangi Black Range SF (Wirrawilla Rainforest)
A cool and overcast morning but good birding at the Wirrawilla Rainforest. A pair of Pilotbird calling loudly about two hundred metres along the Tanglefoot Loop Track allowing brief glimpses only. A young male Pink Robin and companion at the new carpark area, plus an adult male along the Tanglefoot Loop Track. More heard further along the Tanglefoot Loop Track. Good views of Olive Whistler calling loudly along the creek line too.
Luke Shelley
Fri 5 Oct
Diamond Dove
Mt Korong near Wedderburn
Heard a strange call which turned out to be a Diamond Dove. It was in wattles up the hillside on the south side of Mt Korong.
Simon Starr
Noisy Friarbird
Altona Aquatic Centre
Following on from Chris Tzaros' excellent discovery from the other day the Noisy Friarbird continues its tenure in this unlikely location with much calling and wattlebird mimicry, as well as chasing other honeyeaters about.
Steve Davidson
Thu 4 Oct
Stubble Quail
Chirnside Park Shopping Centre
Stubble Quail (1) along side the south-eastern wall of Chirnside Park Shopping Centre in a shallow. Approachable, but flew away when I tried to photograph it.
Tim Nickholds
Thu 4 Oct
Blue Bonnet Parrot
Tresco West Region
30+ Bulokes found around golf course, surrounding Mallee and roads leading away from the mallee region to the north.
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
Purple-gaped Honeyeater, White-fronted Honeyeater
Kamarooka section of Greater Bendigo National Park
Hot, windy and dusty conditions with little action. Purple-gaped honeyeater and White-fronted both found along Campbell road.
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
Black Honeyeater
Goschen Bushland Reserve
1 Black Honeyeater observed around Tennis court feeding on insects, 4 White-winged Trillers over the road to the south. Also 10+ Hooded Robins and Masked, Dusky and White-browed Woodswallows. All observed early morning.
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
White-browed Woodswallows
Gully Road, Welshman's Reef
A couple of loose flocks - perhaps 30 birds in total high above the canopy and heading south at ~ 8.30am. (Moderators note: With a number of reports of White-browed and Masked Woodswallows this week, it has been established that they have returned in good numbers to Victoria. We won't be publishing records of these species anymore for this season, unless they are in exceptionally high numbers or in unusual locations).
Geoff Park
White-browed and Masked Woodswallows
I have just come in (5.30pm) from observing a mixed flock of about 30 White-browed and Masked Woodswallows flying over my home. From other sightings from today, it seems like today was the day for them to fly by. The flock contained a mixture of adults and juveniles of both species and was approx 90% White-browed and were observed for about 5 minutes, before "disappearing".
John Harris - Wildlife Experiences
Masked Woodswallow, White-browed Woodswallow
Lakes Entrance, North Arm
Mixed flock of 50+ at 10am this morning heard and seen at height - low enough to see white tipped tails and some white bellies - flying inland ahead of winds.
Anthea Stubbs
White-browed Woodswallow, Masked Woodswallow
A flock of around 50 White-browed and 10 Masked Woodswallows flying relatively slowly and only about twice tree canopy height over Woodend, into the early morning sun. Drifting north, out of sight and earshot within 5 minutes. Around 6:30am.
Lawrie Conole
White-browed Woodswallow, Masked Woodswallow
Newtown, Geelong.
Loose flock of at 50 White-browed Woodswallows, hd and seen high OH. Also at least 4 Masked Woodswallows with creamy white underparts glowing in morning sun. Flock drifting W when first observed then flew about over Barwon River valley for at least 15 min. 07:00-07:20.
Craig Morley
Wed 3 Oct
Budgerigar, Blue-winged Parrot, Cockatiel
Late afternoon produced 4 Budgies, 2 Cockatiel, and 1 Blue-winged Parrot. Also Brown Songlarks, Blue Bonnets, Hooded Robins, Rainbow Bee-eaters and at least 4 Owlet Nightjars whilst spotlighting.
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
Rufous Fieldwren, White-winged Fairy-wren
Lake Tyrrell
A quick drive to the western side of the lookout produced the Rufous Fieldwren and WW Fairy-wren (2 parties).
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
Black Honeyeater, Blue-faced Honeyeater
Ultima Township
A quick stop produced a Black and a Blue-faced Honeyeater in the Yellow flowering Eucs on the eastern side of the railway tracks.
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
Mallee Emu-wren, Gilbert's Whistler
Murray - Sunset National Park
Mallee Emu-wren (2 parties) Rainbow Bee-eater (2), Bluebonnets, along Pioneer Drive at Pink Lakes. Gilbert's Whistler along Mt Crozier Track. Approx 100+ Spiny-checked Honeyeater and Red-capped Robin in stands of Callitris and Southern Whiteface on Honeymoon Track.
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
Black-eared Cuckoo
Birds Land Reserve, Tecoma, outer Melbourne
Single bird seen in the late afternoon in dead trees in the paddocks near the second pond. Not seen at this location before in over 20 years of regular visits. Photograph taken at a distance in poor light for identification only.
Ian & Jill Wilson
Red-backed Kingfisher
Rutherglen 10' Cell
Red-backed Kingfisher (1). Great to see this bird back in the Rutherglen area after a nearly 3 year absence. Last here in January 2010. Seen well calling from powerlines south of Rutherglen by some old mine tailings. Usually associated with drier years which could be an omen for the upcoming summer.
Michael Ramsey and Matt Weeks
Painted Honeyeater, Swift Parrot, Masked Woodswallow
Chiltern 10' Cell
A fantastic morning spent in the Chiltern forest and surrounds with many spring migrants and interesting birds around. Painted Honeyeater still along Mt Pleasant Road along with a lone late staying Swift Parrot nearby. At Bartleys Block a large flock of over 100 White-browed Woodswallows flew overhead with around 10 Masked Woodswallow among them. A Painted Button-quail with 4 chicks near Donchi Hill was also great to see. At No.1 dam a couple of Cattle Egret coming into breeding plumage, usually a winter visitor in these parts. Also two Azure Kingfishers nearby. No.2 dam also has a single Great Crested Grebe.
Michael Ramsey and Matt Weeks
Curlew Sandpiper
Truganina Swamp
First real flock of waders of the summer seen today. Around 100 birds, mostly Sharp-tailed Sandpipers but a few Red-necked Stints and at least 3 Curlew Sandpipers. One of the Curlew Sands had about 50% breeding plumage on the underparts. Also 1 Marsh Sandpiper, Banded Stilts and Avocets.
Colin Clark
Tue 2 Oct
Red-backed Kingfisher, Blue Bonnet, Malleefowl
Murray - Sunset National Park
Red-backed Kingfisher and Bluebonnets observed along Trinita Track. Malleefowl along Maccarthurs Trig Track. Also Splendid Fairy-wren, Rufous Whistler and Inland Thornbill along Honeymoon Track.
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
Scarlet Honeyeater, Rose Robin
Uralla Nature Reserve, Trafalgar (VicRoads map 97 D5)
6 –8 or more male and female Scarlet Honeyeater, Rose Robin male and female; both firsts in the reserve. Also Blue-winged Parrot and Brown Gerygone.
Alix Williams for LVFNC Bird Group
Mon 1 Oct
Malleefowl, Little Friarbird
Hattah - Kulkyne National Park
Malleefowl observed along Konardin Track. Also Chestnut Quail-trush, Mulga Parrot, Crested Bellbird, White-fronted Honeyeater, Masked and White-browed woodswallow. Regent Parrot, Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, (Yellow) Crimson Rosella and Little Friarbird at Lake Mournpall.
Tim Mckellar and Ian Davies
Sacred Kingfisher
Merri Creek at CERES, East Brunswick
One heard about 8 am - my first return for the season, but I haven't visited the site for a week.
Paul Peake
Noisy Friarbird, Swift Parrot
Altona North Swimming Centre, Mason Street, Altona North
A single Noisy Friarbird seen and heard imitating Red Wattlebirds. Has been at location for approx a week. Very unusual record for this region. Two Swift Parrots still in the area after being present for several months.
Chris Tzaros
Painted Honeyeater
Trust for Nature property, Earlston
1 bird calling this morning; additional bird to individual reported from afjacent private property last week as this bird still present this morning abut 1 km west
Doug Robinson
Black-eared Cuckoo
Small flurry of spring migrant arrivals this morning with 1 Black-eared Cuckoo and several White-winged Trillers. 1 brown Flame Robin still present and singing.
Doug Robinson
Red-capped Robin
Toolangi State Forest - Tanglefoot Track
Walking up the Tanglefoot Track - saw a beautiful male Red-capped Robin darting onto the track and then away. Eventually further along the track I was able to get within a couple of meters. He was very curious and quite happy for me to be observing him. Absolutely brilliant colouring!
Brett Harman
Black Honeyeater
Black Honeyeater (2). Saw one after midday but could not confirm ID until later in the afternoon when I had good views of a male in the back garden, also another bird around. Probably attracted to the Grevillea and Eremophila species flowering in the garden at present. An unexpected but great record for home.
Michael Ramsey
Rainbow Bee-eater
The first spring returns for Rainbow Bee-eaters in NE Victoria seen this morning with 5 birds by a creekline at Byawatha. Reasonably early returns this year, usually seen from mid to late October. Also a Long-billed Corella seen. West of usual range here though they appear to be slowly spreading into NE Victoria with the numbers or records increasing of late. Also a good number White-winged Trillers which have returned as well.
Michael Ramsey
Sun 30 Sep
Topknot Pigeon
Cabbage Tree Creek Nature Conservation Reserve
2 seen along nature walk at about 5 pm.
Paul Peake
Sat 29 Sep
Yellow Thornbill
Barngeong Reserve, Croydon
At least two Yellow Thornbills and a single Grey Fantail where seen together foraging along Brushy Creek somehow avoiding harassment by the local Noisy Miners. Also a Buff-banded Rail ran across the walking track. (Moderator's note: Yellow Thornbills are infrequently recorded in the eastern suburbs).
Andrew McCutcheon
Fri 28 Sep
Pied Butcherbird
Wesley Hill, Castlemaine
A bird in full voice not far from the walls of Loddon Prison. South of normal range by ~50km.
Lawrie Conole
Swift Parrot
Cape Conran
One heard flying off at the east end of Banksia Bluff camping area at about 10 am. No other hint of this species' presence in five days camping at this spot.
Paul Peake