Birdline Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 14 Oct 2012.
Fri 12 Oct
Arctic Tern
Albert park lake, Victoria
Arctic Tern observed on the lake, fishing and stationary on the jetty.
Sanderson Topham
Wed 10 Oct
Green-headed Yellow Wagtail
Broome Sewage Ponds, Broome, Western Australia
Male present late afternoon also Long-toed Stint and 21 Pacific Golden Plovers
Simon Davies
Sun 7 Oct
Rufous Scrub-bird & possible Coxens Fig-parrot
Border Track, Lamington NP, Queensland
Scrub-birds heard but not observed near the "20m water" sign, no individuals heard again until on the edge of the escapement when a single bird call right in front of us. some patient stalking provided 10+mins of excellent views , well worth the 14km round trip. Fleeting views of (possible) Coxens Fig-parrot. Many Albert's Lyrebird that were easy to approach and the usual mix of Lamington locals.
[Ed. Note: a fleeting glimpse of this critically endangered sub-species has to be considered possible unless photographs exist to separate it from other confusions species such as Little Lorikeet and other species which may have escaped from captivity. To be accepted a full submission should be made to the relevant rarity committees.]
Brendan Cook
| Birdline Australia is sponsored by Birdlife Australia and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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