Birdline Western Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 30 Sep 2012.
Sat 29 Sep
Channel-billed Cuckoo
12 Mile Broome, Western Australia
1 bird calling mid morning. First record this season for Broome.
Adrian Boyle
Wed 26 Sep
Australian Bustard
10km west of Cocklebiddy Roadhouse, Eyre Highway, Western Australia
At around 4pm traveling along the Eyre Highway we were forced to stop our vehicle to allow a flock of 6 Bustards cross over the highway heading in a northerly direction. We were surprised they were so close to the ocean.
Hedley and Irena Earl
Western Quail Thruth (Chestnut Breasted)
Yalgoo, Western Australia
Sue and I observed x4 WQT 3km north of Carlaminda Homestead, north out of Yalgoo. Also seen were CR Thornbills; Splendid Wrens; Southern Whiteface and many other birds.
John and Sue O'Malley
Tue 25 Sep
Mallee Fowl
55 km north Murchison River, Western Australia
A solitary bird seen crossing the highway with a brief time stopped in the middle of the road. In good mallee woodland. The location is about 115 km north of Northampton. Time was 4.30 pm. Excellent view.
Peter Valentine
White Wagtail
Broome Poo Ponds, Western Australia
The White Wagtail reported on the 24th was still present on the 25th.
Note that it was not seen despite extensive searching on the 26th
Adrian Boyle
White-winged Black Tern
Broome poo ponds, Western Australia
5 WWBTs feeding with hundreds of Whiskered Terns. First back for the season.
Adrian Boyle
Banded Honeyeater
Roebuck Plains Station, Broome, Western Australia
Juvenile coming to drink at cattle bore. Scarce in Broome area.
Simon Davies
Oriental Pratincole
Roebuck Plains Station, Broome, Western Australia
First returning bird.
Simon Davies
Mon 24 Sep
White Wagtail (race leucopsis)
Broome Sewage ponds, Western Australia
Male of the race leucopsis (Amur Wagtail) present late afternoon. First in Broome since April 1999. It was found at Broome sewage ponds this afternoon around 4 pm. It was still present at sunset.
Simon Davies, Adrian Boyle et al.
Laughing Turtle Dove
Mt. Magnet, Western Australia
Sue and I observed a pair of these birds in the Caravan Park at MM, didn't realise they were so far north. Happy surprise.
John and Sue O'Malley
| Birdline Western Australia is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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