Birdline North Queensland
Published sightings for the week ending 16 Oct 2011.
Sat 15 Oct
Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher
Daintree Village
One bird seen and at least three different birds heard calling this morning.
Nick Leseberg
Spotless Crake, Red-kneed Dotterel
Townsville Town Common Conservation Park
One Spotless Crake crossed path to Tower Hide about five metres in front of me; one Red-kneed Dotterel at the ponds to north of the Tower Hide, seen with Ed Pierce; also at Tower Hide Buff-banded Rail seen twice, crossing the road and later feeding on the path (much larger than SPCR), another beyond second viewpoint;
Niel Bruce
Red-kneed Dotterel,Purple Swamphen, Latham's Snipe
Townsville Town Common Conservation Park
Red-kneed Dotterel (1) On drying lagoon from track that runs to the right of elevated hide. viewed with scope, ID confirmed by Neil Bruce.
Latham's Snipe (1) lagoon from track that runs to the right of elevated hide.
Purple Swamphen (4) jacana hide
Ed Pierce
Wed 12 Oct
Eastern Grass-Owl
Wallaman Falls Road, 12km west of Ingham
Eastern Grass-Owl (Tyto longimembris), found today dead on first section of road to Wallaman Falls, about 12km west of Ingham.
Tony Ashton
Cicadabird, Northern Fantail
Toomulla Beach
Cicadabird (calling) and Northern Fantail (good views) towards the western end of parkland mid-morning. Uncommon in the Townsville region.
Alexandra Canton
Tue 11 Oct
Striated Heron
Einasleigh River, approx 20km upstream (S) from bridge on Gulf Devel Rd, W of Mt Surprise
2 Striated Herons were seen well foraging along the river & were in adult plumage. It is unusual to get this species well inland in Nth Qld, but this site is quite a remarkable location this far from the gulf & eastern seabords. As far as I am aware, there are no other records this far from coast up here.
Martin Cachard
Pied Heron
Ross Dam Townsville
I photographed this Pied Heron at the upper reaches of Ross River Dam on 11th October 2011
Sue Rutherford
Sun 9 Oct
White-streaked Honeyeater
Mount Molloy
Whilst guiding last Monday I had the good fortune to observe a
White-streaked Honeyeater in Mount Molloy. The bird was feeding in
callistamon and grevillea before being chased by a Blue-faced
Honeyeater. The following morning the bird was photographed by David
Crawford and judged by Lloyd Nielsen to be a first year individual.This appeares to be an extralimital record for this Cape York endemic about 80 kilometres south of the nearest population at Shipton's Flat south of Cooktown.
Per Del. Richards
Sat 8 Oct
Spotless Crake, Buff-banded Rail, Latham's Snipe
Aplin's Weir, Annandale, Townsville (Annandale side bank)
A Spotless Crake has been seen at Aplins Weir (approx. coordinates S19°18'15"; E146°46'53" GDA) On Saturday 08/10/2011 Tony Grice was watching a Buff-banded Rail when the Spotless Crake appeared and while looking at both in flew a Latham's Snipe. Tony saw both the Crake and Rail again on Sunday 09/10/2011 and again this morning 10/10/2011.
Tony Grice (per Marleen Acton)
| Birdline North Queensland is sponsored by Birds Australia North Queensland and Townsville Region Bird Observers Club and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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