Birdline Western Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 5 Jun 2011.
Tue 31 May
Sooty Oystercatcher
Bickley Swamp (Rottnest Island), Western Australia
2 Sooty Oystercatcher were seen at Bickley Swamp (Rottnest Island)
Yvonne Oehlers
Roseate Tern
Penguin Island, Safety Bay, nr. Rockingham, Western Australia
Roseate Tern (3)
gracilis (3) Three birds (including one pair) in breeding plumage on eastern side of island, roosting with Crested Terns near ferry dock.
Michael Wood
Thu 26 May
Beverley , Western Australia
A single Malleefowl was seen on Gunapin Ridge Road, Beverley.
Nye Evans per Wayne Merritt
Wed 25 May
Yellow White-eye
Mount Dove, Western Australia
15+ Yellow White-eye were seen at Mount Dove, 70km sw of Port Hedland
Richard King & Blair Parsons
Tue 24 May
Flock Bronzewing
Millstream-Chichester National Park, Western Australia
4 Flock Bronzewing and 2 Black-chinned Honeyeater were seen in the nw corner of Millstream-Chichester National Park, just off Karratha-Tom Price Road, Roebourne.
Michael Wood
Sun 15 May
Inland Dotterel
Austin Downs Station, Cue, Western Australia
11 Inland Dotterel were seen at Austin Downs Station, Cue.
Sue Abbotts
Thu 5 May
Red-tailed Tropicbird
Penguin Island (Shoalwater), Western Australia
A single Red-tailed Tropicbird was seen on Penguin Island, Shoalwater.
Frank Whitney per John Graff
Wed 4 May
Brown Quail
Coomeroo Pool, Brickhouse Station, Carnarvon, Western Australia
3 Brown Quail seen at Coomeroo Pool, Brickhouse Station, Carnarvon. Also seen large numbers of Masked Woodswallow and Budgerigar.
Les George
Fri 18 Mar
Pin-tailed Snipe
Frederick Baldwin Park, Kardinya, Western Australia
A single Pin-tailed Snipe was seen at Frederick Baldwin Park (Kardinya).
George Lewis per Sue Abbotts
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