
Trans-equatorial Migrants

Subject: Trans-equatorial Migrants
From: Frank O'Connor <>
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 19:04:19 +0800
I am giving a talk on migrants on Saturday week (11th).

I have been using Google to find a variety of information, and I came across a reference that there are only TEN regular trans-equatorial migrants to mainland Australia (passerines? at least not including seabirds and shorebirds; not certain if it excludes terns). I am having difficulty trying to list the ten :
Fork-tailed Swift
White-throated Needletail
Eastern Koel (Do the Australian birds migrate north of the equator?)
Oriental Cuckoo (Small numbers annually in far north WA, NT and Qld)
Dollarbird (Do the Australian birds migrate north of the equator?)
Barn Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow (Is this regular enough? In far north Queensland?)
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Green-headed Yellow Wagtail (annual in at least Broome in very small numbers)
Grey Wagtail (I would not regard this as common enough?)

Frank O'Connor           Birding WA
Phone : (08) 9386 5694 Email :

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