
Pursuing the Great Outdoors

To: "Philip Veerman" <>
Subject: Pursuing the Great Outdoors
From: Carl Clifford <>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 11:40:53 +1100
Hmm, the licence to breed sounds like a good idea. I wonder if it could be extended to humans as well.

Carl Clifford

On 16/11/2010, at 10:56 AM, Philip Veerman wrote:

I am amused by the suggestion, in one sentence no less: "not mentioning
desexing of all cats and having a license to breed". I wonder, on basic
biology grounds, how those two processes fit together.............  I
hope I don't need to explain.

Yes cats are a problem and I too would prefer we did not have them. But
birders writing to birders is not progressing the issue much.


-----Original Message-----
 On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, 14 November 2010 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: Pursuing the Great Outdoors

Interesting discussion

Regarding cats, responsible cat owners need to be keep their cats inside
at all times. This should be law in my opinion, not mentioning desexing
of all cats and having a license to breed. This may sound harsh, but
it's best for both the native animals and the cats. Let me explain.

I am a vet working in an emergency centre and more than 95% of cats we
see are as a result of them being allowed outside. They present being
hit by car, being bitten by other cats/dogs, with tick paralysis etc.

The effect on wildlife is self explanatory. On a sad note most wildlife
presenting with cat bites die despite treatment.



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