It seems to me that if you want to see your article in print then there are
channels for that - and they usually involve peer review and adhering to the
style of the magazine. Peer review should make articles much more "reliable"
for other people doing research.
But lots of things get published in forums such as BirdingAus or trip
reports on websites for example (the new BOCA site allows our members to
publish trip reports, and I hope to extend that to non members and no reason
why it could not be general birding observations). Such articles will be
found by search engines and it is then up to the user to determine their
credibility - we will only check articles to make sure they are actually
about birds and not spam!
On 2 March 2010 12:46, Peter Shute <> wrote:
> > From:
> > On Behalf Of peter crow
> > Sent: Tuesday, 2 March 2010 11:39 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Birding-Aus] afo
> > I know what its like to have ago and be rejected. I have
> > written a number of short reports suitable researched and
> > reviewed but have always got a reply along the lines of "Its
> > not of great deal of interest --- Its probably something
> > that is common -- We usually don't publish short articles."
> I'm new to all this stuff. Can you explain why these things need to
> actually be published in a magazine? Lots of observations, although
> obviously not as well researched as you indicate yours were, and rarely
> referenced at all, get "published" just by being mentioned in places like
> birding-aus. I can see that they might not be regarded as being as
> trustworthy and quotable as an article in a magazine, but at least they're
> out there to be read.
> And won't Wingspan and TBO accept them?
> Peter Shute
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