Birdline NSW
Published sightings for the week ending 7 Feb 2010.
Sun 7 Feb Australasian Shoveler, Bar Tailed Godwit, Eastern Curlew
Dee Why Lagoon
Singles of each seen at the (mostly empty) lagoon at 4:30 pm. Godwit
near the mouth, Curlew in the middle and Shoveler in a muddy stream at
the Dee Why end. Also a Royal Spoonbill here. I assume the E Curlew was
one I had seen earlier at Long Reef. (Also saw a Caspian Tern at Long
Reef that flew in from the lagon direction, so could be spending time at
both sites?) The sand bar has been breached so the lagoon has drained
and is now holding a Silver Gull convention!
Tom Wilson
Bullers Shearwater, Little Penguin, Arctic Jaeger, Little Tern,
Sooty Tern Long Reef
1 Bullers Shearwater seen in close to reef approx 3pm. A pair of Arctic
Jaeger made regular passes close in too. 1 Sooty Tern seen further out,
heading northwards. 6 Little Penguin were seen fishing in the surf break
to the north of the reef. On the reef itself were at least 6 Little
Tern, a Caspian Tern and there was 1 Eastern Curlew on the beach. Plenty
of Red Necked Stints (my count 100+), some starting to colour up, some
Golden Plover, 8 Sooty Oystercatchers. Seen further out, a grey and
white petrel - seemed to show a white head and tail when seen "above"
and all white underneath - possible White Headed?
Tom Wilson
Brolga Hastings River Drive Port Macquarie
2 seen feeding at 1.30 pm. Same place as previous sitings, about 400m
WSW of Fernbank Creek bridge.
Ian Kerr
Glossy Black-cockatoo Oxley Hwy and Pacific Hwy intersection
3 seen flying south west at 9.35 am
Ian Kerr
Osprey Point Clare
Single adult female observed perched on flag pole at Marine Rescue base.
Eating large fish.
Warren Brown
Sat 6 Feb Glossy Black-Cockatoo Pearl Beach
Several (8-9) Glossy Black-Cockatoos resting for several hours (not
feeding) in large gum trees (Angophera) during heavy rains yesterday. I
though it was unusual for them to remain in the one spot, and not feed,
from between 1pm and at least 8pm. The birds have been very active in
the area in recent weeks, the mess on the floor of the Casuarina forest
behind Pearl Beach highlights this.
Charles Hunter
White Tern and Sooty Terns Mistral Point, Maroubra
In soaking wet conditions today, about 15-20 Sooty Terns were seen, but
the highlight was a White Tern only which came in within 50 metres. Also
a few Long-tailed and Arctic Jaegers, 15 Flesh-footed Shearwaters etc.
David Mitford and Ray Gobbe
Sooty Tern, Sooty Shearwater. Mistral Point
A 2 hr seawatch from 1415 produced at least 6 (ads and imms)Sooty Terns
including a imm bird over the car park. Several of the regular birders
had been there all day and had seen a white tern and 15+ sooty tern.
Paul Derbyshire
Terek Sandpiper, Latham's Snipe Mason Park
The Terek Sandpiper was still showing well this morning at Mason Park
and at lunchtime today feeding and roosting in the north-west corner of
the wetlands with several Sharp-tailed Sandpipers. Also seen were 4
Latham's Snipe. Thanks Graham & Robert!
Jon Irvine
Fri 5 Feb Terek Sandpiper MASON PARK, SYDNEY
Robert Griffin advised he saw a Terek at Mason Park this afternoon
during a thunder storm. I went out with my son and after 1/2 hour found
it at 6.30pm. Very handsome - the bird!
Graham Buchan
Square-tailed Kite Oakhurst/Plumpton
I thought I saw a pair of these when driving to see Edwin on 26.1. Last
week I briefly saw a similar large raptor fly behind my house being
mobbed by ravens. Today I was in my garden with binoculars and had good
views of a Square-tailed Kite with half-grown outer tail feathers, very
Mark Fuller
Terek Sandpiper Mason Park
A Terek Sandpiper was observed feeding on shore edge on eastern side of
Mason Park about halfway along at about 3 p.m.
Robert Griffin
Glossy Black-Cockatoo Nords Wharf Rd, Nords Wharf, Lake
The local family of 3 Glossy Blacks flew directly over my place at 8am
this morning. I still haven't managed to find their local foraging
sites. More Little Lorikeets than usual around here at the moment - as
many as 30 birds at present.
Martin Cachard
Thu 4 Feb Beach Stone-curlew Harrington
Saw a single bird at the tip of Manning Point, opposite Harrington, at
about 4:00 pm. Some people have reported locally about their sightings
of a single bird at Old Bar (Mudbishops Point) recently too.
Alan Stuart
Little Tern Karagi Point, The Entrance
The breeding activity at the fenced colony site on Karagi Point, The
Entrance has now come to an end. There was no breeding activity inside
the fence today, but nearby on the beach where the Little Terns are
roosting there were 3 large, non-flying chicks, and 5 recently fledged
chicks, along with 26 adults and 61 non-breeding and immature Little
Terns. Our management group estimates that the 16 pairs, laid 23
clutches and have managed to rear betrween 18-21 chicks - 21 if the 3
chicks on the beach survive!Other birds on the spit today included 6
Red-capped Plovers (5 adults and one immature - two pairs nested in the
Little Tern colony).
Alan Morris
Black Noddy Norah Head
Robyn Price, active member of Central Coast Group,Birding NSW saw a
Black Noddy at Norah Head this morning. I and another two birders
searched the Norah Head-Soldiers Point area this afternoon but did not
see the bird. Other birds present included 3 Sooty Oystercatchers, 2
Little Terns, 4 Cormorant species, Crested Terns and Silver Gulls. Most
observations of Black Noddies for NSW are reported at this time of the
Robyn Price and Alan Morris
White-necked Petrel and Sooty Tern Mistral Point, Maroubra
A close White-necked Petrel seen about 6:20pm, after the rain and wind
had died down, also 3 Sooty Terns (2 Juvs.), 1500 Wedge-tailed
Shearwaters, 6 Flesh-footed Shearwaters, 4 Sooty Shearwaters, 10
Pomarine Jaegers, a pod of False Killer Whales and a Fur Seal.
David Mitford
Wed 3 Feb Sooty Tern Flat Rock near Skennars Head, Ballina
Due to rough weather from Cyclone Olga in Qld there seems to be more
seabirds closer to shorelines. 1 fully juvenile plumaged Sooty Tern
resting at Flat Rock about 7pm for at least 20 minutes. Up to 3 Pomarine
Jaegers working school of fish close to shore all late afternoon,
together with Wedge-tailed Shearwaters and some other unidentified 'dark
Kathy Wilk
Sooty Tern and Black-browed Albatross Mistral Point, Maroubra
1 Sooty Tern, 1 Black-browed Albatross, 2 Flesh-footed Shearwaters, 7
Pomarine and 1 Arctic Jaeger seen today.
David mitford and Bas Hensen
Sooty Tern Nobby's Breakwall, Newcastle
A very tired Sooty Tern seen resting at the end of Nobby's today. The
bird is exhausted and has a wound behind the right eye. I was chasing up
a report of a Sooty Tern seen yesterday from the end of Stockton
Breakwall (per Darryl Eggins) which was described as being healthy and
with no sign of lethargy or wounding, so there are likely 2 birds.
Access is only available to Nobby's before 7am and after 5pm until the
Mick Roderick
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin Partridge Ck, nr Port Macquarie
4-6 Mannikins were seen feeding on long grasses as I drove through area
to get water sample for work. Not often recorded in Hastings area (my
first record!), whereas much more regular in the Macleay Valley wetlands
Matt Hinze
Tue 2 Feb Gould's Petrel, White-necked Petrel and Sooty Tern
Mistral Point, Maroubra
My first ever record of a Gould's Petrel at this location was totally
unexpected, also impressive were 2 White-necked Petrels and 2 Sooty
Terns (both adults), all seen within half an hour this afternoon. Very
few of the commoner seabirds, however I wasn't too bothered on this
particular occasion. (Saturday is looking very good for a seawatch).
David Mitford
Mon 1 Feb Grey Goshawk (white morph) F3 Mardi
A Grey Goshawk (White morph) seen flying over F3 Mardi Thursday
afternoon around 4.30, being mobbed by magpies. Also Golden-headed
Cisticolas, and Double-barred Finches (10+ mixed adult & imature) in
rank grassland on drainage line Mataram Rd Woongarrah
Paul Shelley
Sooty Tern Stockton Breakwall, mouth of the Hunter River
One Sooty Tern and one Arctic Jaeger feeding close to the northern
breakwall at the mouth of the Hunter River. Also a small flock of 8
Wedge-tailed Shearwaters were feeding between the north and south
breakwalls. One Little Tern on the beach just to the north of the
Darryl Eggins
Sun 31 Jan Powerful Owl, White-throated Nightjar Mitchell Park,
Cattai NP
A single Powerful Owl was seen perched high in a tree in the clearing to
the north of the lagoon. One Owlet-Nightjar was seen flying by the road
just inside the park entrance, with several others were heard. Also
heard was a more distant sounding White-throated Nightjar.
Ed Williams
Mon 25 Jan Rockwarbler Bomaderry Creek Regional Park (Nowra)
5 Rockwarblers were seen at Bomaderry Creek Regional Park, a wonderful
gorge reserve located within 1km of the centre of Nowra. Little Corella
was common in the streets of Nowra. It is interesting to note that
(nearly) all the current field guides indicate that Little Corella isn't
found on the NSW south coast, so a review of distribution by these text
seems required.
Tim Dolby
Sun 24 Jan Eastern Bristlebird, Square-tailed Kite Hyams Beach,
Jervis Bay
Eastern Bristlebird were seen and heard on 10 seperate occasions in the
heathland behind Hyams Beach along Kallaroo Rd, and near the
intersection of Erowal Rd and Jervis Bay Rd (mainly north side).
Square-tailed Kite were also seen on 2 occasions, once over forest along
Jervis Bay Road just inside Booderee NP (south of information centre),
and the other over forest along Island Point Rd.
Tim Dolby
Thu 21 Jan Grey-crowned Babblers Pioneer Rd, Singleton
A group of 16+ individuals were foraging between open woodland and the
garden of an adjacent farmhouse. This group was only 500 metres from a
new residential development on the outskirts of Singleton.
Paul Nagle
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