
re: rant against twitching

To: Lawrie Conole <>
Subject: re: rant against twitching
From: peter crow <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 09:48:22 +1000
I've been following the rant and feel that many have either missed  
the point or have intentionally ignored it. I see the point of the  
rant as being a statement that many birders are far more interested  
in building up lists or numbers rather than in making observations. i  
also plead guilty.
All of us from time to time see things which are new to us, or maybe  
new to everyone or interesting or capable of confirming an earlier  
report. An example is Tony Ashtons posting on Black Kites at Tito  
Wetlands catching fish. I have not seen this behaviour although I've  
seen Black Kites steal fish from egrets and herons and pelicans (that  
did the catching) along  the river at Innaminka.
Barker and Vestjens in The Food of Australian Birds 1 includes fish  
in the diet of BK.
None of the Field Guides are of any help.

Hanzab states the BK also take small animals, small birds, reptiles, frogs, grasshoppers and fish.
So Tony's question is answered and this is probably not a topic  
worthy of publishing or is it? If nothing else it has increased my  
knowledge as I wasn't aware BKs fished.
Someone made the comment that every little bit of information adds up  
and pennies often drop when someone puts together all the little  
seemingly indsignificant bits.
So back to Stephen's rant.

i agree that too many birders are guilty of NOT observing, noting and reporting the interesting things birds show us as e are busy people and ore concerned with seeing 60 species today or 400 for the year or whatever.
It may be time for amateur ornithologists (birders) to again become a  
small force in producing and submitting bits that may one day add up   
for publication. publication can be in publications like AFO or on  
Birding-aus but should be considered and reasonably done so they have  
some value.



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