
Tassie Pulp Mill

To: "'Rosemary Royle'" <>, "'Evan Beaver'" <>, "'Birding-aus (E-mail)'" <>
Subject: Tassie Pulp Mill
From: "Tony Russell" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 08:21:00 +0930
Maybe you've got a government with half a brain in its head Rosemary.
Our governments are still suffering with the extractive mind set of the
European rapists of a bygone era.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rosemary Royle  
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 8:35 PM
To: Evan Beaver; Tony Russell; Birding-aus (E-mail)
Subject: Tassie Pulp Mill

"The debate about whether or not it was in Australia's best long-term
interest to cut down trees and turn them into low-value pulp never got
a guernsey."
>From the other side of the world it seems difficult to believe, in fact
it seems almost criminal, that it is still possible to build a pulp mill
and feed it with native forest in a country like Australia.
I know the UK is not a good example - we chopped our forests down
hundreds of years ago for ships, houses and charcoal. But most wood pulp
in Europe now comes from managed forests in Scandinavia. 
Rosemary Royle, Wales, UK

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