
Tassie Pulp Mill

To: "Tony Russell" <>, "Birding-aus (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Tassie Pulp Mill
From: "Evan Beaver" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 12:21:47 +1000
No, I didn't really. But there was some hope.

I find wood chipping such a pitifully short sighted activity. I guess
though that wasn't the question here, but rather 'what steps need to
be taken to ensure the pulp mill can meet enviromnmental standards'.
The debate about whether or not it was in Australia's best long-term
interest to cut down trees and turn them into low-value pulp never got
a guernsey.

I also have problems with private companies profitting from natural
resources in this way. The trees are an Australian natural resource,
and as such should be purchased from the Australian people. Sure,
Gunns take some risk by investing in this venture and should be
compensated, but really, it's not rocket science! Cut the trees down,
mash them up a bit, send them to Japan.

I studied the NSW South-East forest management for a while at Uni, and
was mortified to find that they were selling wood chip (from the
forests near Eden) for 4c a tonne! Then buying it back as paper for
something in the order of $1000/tonne! Why do we always half do
things? A pulp mill is at the absolute bottom of the value added
forest products list; high grade, bulk, environmental plunder. At
least consider moving a little further up the chain and making some
value added products from our resources. Then we also get more jobs,
better incentive to preserve forests (because the product will be
worth more) and some skills. Instead, we take the environmentally
lazy, politically-expedient route and just cut it down and sell it.
But i suppose it's always been this way, and probably will be... dig
up the coal and burn it, graze the pastures till they just stop
working, pump out water until the river stops flowing......

Anyway, rant over. Sorry birders, Thursday does this to me sometimes.


On 10/4/07, Tony Russell <> wrote:
> Did you ever believe it wouldn't ??
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
>  On Behalf Of Evan Beaver
> Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:02 AM
> To: Birding-aus (E-mail)
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Tassie Pulp Mill
> Well, after all that the bloody thing got up:
> Thankyou Mr Turnbull.
> --
> Evan Beaver
> Lapstone, Blue Mountains, NSW
> lat=-33.77, lon=150.64
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Evan Beaver
Lapstone, Blue Mountains, NSW
lat=-33.77, lon=150.64

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