Hi Birders,
Over this last weekend, members of Central Coast Group of Birding NSW and
members of the Central Coast Regent Honeyeater Volunteer Operations Group
(approx 38 people), were organised to count 60 sites, primarily sites where
Swamp Mahogany is flowering. The results are not all in but the preliminary
results are as follows:
Swift Parrots, 60+ at Murray St Bateau Bay (between 1600-1630 hrs 19/5); 20+
Bias & Maconda Sts Bateau Bay ( between 7-8 am on 19/5); 8 at Cooronbong
19/5; 20+ Morisset Hospital reserve 20/5;
Regent Honeyeaters, max 50 Morisset Hospital Reserve on 20/5, up to 25 on
19/5, on both occasions seen around 700 hrs and not found in the middle of
the day
Ofcourse we also saw hundreds if not thousands of Noisy Friardbirds,
Yellow-faced Honeyeaters, Silvereyes, Musk and Rainbow Lorikeets, and
hundreds of Little Lorikeets & Scarlet Honeyeaters as well. The weather was
great after Fridays rain and the bird watching was very enjoyable.
Unlike Edwin Vella, we on the Central Coast have Stage 4 water restrictions
and so cannot wash our car (unless you use your own tank water), so my Swift
Parrots were seen from my patio. It was not accidental, I was waiting for
them, as they have developed a pattern of roosting higher up the hill each
afternoon, but before doing so, for whatever reason, they stop for a while
in the Blackbutts around my house around 4-4.30 pm and so on Saturday I go
the best count!
Many thanks to my colleagues who surveyed all those sites yet saw no target
birds, except for Garry Deering & Allan Richardson and friends, who were the
lucky ones.
Alan Morris
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