
Grey Butcherbird killings in Brisbane

To: storm <>
Subject: Grey Butcherbird killings in Brisbane
From: "Natalia Atkins" <>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 08:41:55 +1000
Whilst we're on the topic of predators of caged birds, I thought I'd mention
`snakes' . Pythons are a major predator of caged birds in North Queensland,
with the ability to slide themselves through very small gaps to catch their
prey. Therefore `Python-proofing' a bird enclosure is regarded as mandatory
for owners of all birds in that region, ranging from chickens to very small

Of course if my neighbour lived in North Queensland, his answer would be to
slaughter thousands of pythons rather than sort out better protection for
the caged bird.

I've also lived in Northern NSW, where native brown snakes were sometimes
found in our budgie avary.

Can anyone else comment on snakes as predators of caged birds in other


On 5/15/07, storm <> wrote:
Next question is - can/do Magpies do a similar thing, ie, pull small
aviary birds through the wires and/or scare them to death ?

I have not heard of that happening.

As a wildlife carer I have heard of losing birds / young flying-foxes to
Kookaburras, Butcherbirds and Currawongs, never Magpies.

Magpies might attack an adult bat stuck in a tree but they aren't well
(at least to me) for attacking pups and birds.

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