
John Young and his Parrots

Subject: John Young and his Parrots
From: "Frank O'Connor" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 22:30:20 +0900
It surprises me how many people have commented on this topic without seeing 
the photograph in question.  I saw it in December (the article in the 
Courier Mail and a digital version), and it immediately raised questions in 
my mind, because of the different texture and lack of feather detail in the 
part in question.  There may have been good reasons for this, but with no 
explanation forthcoming it increases my doubts.  The article said there 
were multiple photos, but only one has been made public.  I can't see 
why.  If they are all nearly identical, then just say so, but nothing has 
been said.  Feathers were said to have been collected.  They may have been 
sent privately for DNA analysis, but I would think it would be simple to 
just say this without disclosing where.  So I now have doubts about their 
existence.  Maybe they never existed, and John Young never claimed they 
did, and some wires were crossed somewhere.  But no denial or other 
explanation has been made.  Why the silence?

Frank O'Connor           Birding WA
Phone : (08) 9386 5694 Email : ===============================

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