
Re: FW: [Birding-Aus] John Young and his Parrots

Subject: Re: FW: [Birding-Aus] John Young and his Parrots
From: "Simon Mustoe" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 05:25:15 +0000
I don't get it. Exactly what has the expert got to gain from embellishing his opinion in this matter?

From: "Alistair McKeough" <>
To: "Roberts, Greg" <>
Subject: Re: FW: [Birding-Aus] John Young and his Parrots
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:29:16 +1100

Easy there tiger.

Young's finds have been called into question on the basis of analysis of a
photo by an "expert". Anyone who has spent time in court has seen experts,
including people who legitimately deserve that title, made look silly when
their analysis is tested.

No question at all that the jury is still out for some of us. I have no idea
what to believe myself. But if people want to lodge a subjective vote of
confidence please let them do it without a derogatory reply. Especially when
you can print what you like in Murdoch's rag without risk of being flamed.

On 21/02/07, Roberts, Greg <> wrote:

After everything that has now been put in the public arena, if Tony
believes that those who have questioned John Young's record have nothing to go on other than him "playing things close to his chest'', he is living on a
different planet to the one I live on.

If there are "dozens'' of birders who agree with him, this is a bigger
worry than I thought.

Greg Roberts

-----Original Message-----
 Behalf Of Tony Russell
Sent: Wednesday, 21 February 2007 9:14 AM
To: Birds
Subject: [Birding-Aus] John Young and his Parrots

I have just re-read the report of John's findings on his website "John
Young Wildlife Enterprises" to refresh my mind as to what all the
current fuss is about. I have also reviewed most of the  tittle tattle
as to John's credibility currently being bandied about on this net.

I must say I find myself shocked and disappointed that there seem to be
some among us so determined to tarnish the name of such a highly
regarded naturalist without anything to go on other than the fact that
he is playing things close to his chest and hasn't yet revealed the full
details or evidence ( presuming he has some) of his reported find(s).
Is this suspicion born of envy or yet another example of how we in Oz
just like to tear down tall poppies?
Hey, let's give the guy the benefit of the doubt until he deems it
appropriate to either tell us more or pull his head in and say sorry
folks, my mistake. Let's stop being so impatient. Even if he backs down
we shouldn't lose our respect for him.
My bet is that he's either sitting at home feeling sorry and embarrassed
at having made a mistake and wondering how he can rescue the situation,
or he knows he's on safe ground and laughing his head off at all the
petty nitpicking.
I don't believe that any amount of badgering is going to get him to
disclose anything further in public until he is good and ready, so
instead of insisting that he "put up or shut up" why don't we just shut
up ourselves and wait for his next revelation, whichever way it goes.
Don't we owe him enough respect and patience for that? If he is indeed
on to something good I'm sure we'll hear about it eventually.
Until he does tell us more all the positive or negative conjecture in
the world isn't doing any good for anyone, not even those who like the
sound of their own voices, but least of all for the reputation of
Australian birders in the rest of the world.



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