
Wedge-tailed Eagle attacking Woman!

Subject: Wedge-tailed Eagle attacking Woman!
From: Michael Todd <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 18:06:30 +1000
Hello all,

I relate an interesting story that I was told about today by a work colleague. I quote below:
"Also an interesting story about wedge tailed eagles. In the past I have 
seen them go after half grown kangaroos, but usually as a pair to run it 
down. Well last week my mum, on her early morning walk at our farm was 
watching an eagle have breakfast on a lamb and then a few minutes later was 
swooped by the same bird, not just once but three times, the last two times 
included when she was yelling and waving at it to deter it. Obviously one 
lamb wasn't enough to sustain it for the day! "
Has anybody had any experiences similar to this one?


Mick Todd
Griffith, NSW

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