Since you do not use a name on your posts I am unfortunately unable to use
polite conversation and address you by name.
You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. However, show some respect for
others when you express it. Have the good grace to listen to some criticism
of your actions. If people are offended by the way you say something (as
opposed to what you say), there may be a valid reason for this.
I don't intend to debate birders ethics or banding, or any other such issue.
If you think the discussion is about opinions on specific issues, you have
missed the point. I am complaining about the way you have expressed your
opinions and/or resonded to the opinions of others.
A statement such as "Tony, hey if that's your real name and real email
address you play with fire
handing it out on a news group" could easily be interpreted as a threat.
Have a genuine think about what I am saying before going into defensive mode
and making a justification. You may not have intended to threaten anyone,
however, given the disprespect evident in your comments, you predispose
people to interpreting your comments as a threat. Or to put it more simply,
if I call someone a bloody moron and then turn around and say that they had
better not give out their address, it is entirely possible that the person
will assume I intend to follow up with further harrassment.
I have every right to suggest that I do not like your conduct, and to
suggest that you behave otherwise. If your behaviour breaches agreed and
reasonable standards for etiquette in speech and debate, you should be told
how to behave. I would expect to be told if I behaved unreasonably. In fact
I make no secret of the fact that I have been told on occasion. I had the
good grace to accept the criticism. If someone spat on you or insulted you
in public, it would be quite reasonsable for you to tell that person how to
conduct themselves. Why tell me who you are? What you do for a living,
where you live, how old you are.. none of these things give you any right to
engage in abuse or ridicule. Your comments about laptops, cameras, earning
a living and whatever else you have to say at the end of your post has
nothing to do with this discussion. You have no idea what my opinions are
on remote sensing, photography, earning a living for my family or any other
issue. So please confine yourself to commenting on those things that I have
actually said, and desist from rebutting opinions which you incorrectly
assume that hold.
I make no apology for anything I have said. I have no desire to prevent you
from expressing your opinion, or to prevent you from participating in the
b-aus discussion list. Niether do I have any interest in having you conform
to any particular "line of thinking" on any of the topics mentioned. But I
do insist that you desist from using the list as a forum for denigrating
anyone you disagree with. Disagree, yes. Disrespect, no.
Scott O'Keeffe
-----Original Message-----
From: KA
Sent: 15 February 2002 18:56
To: Scott O'Keeffe
Subject: Re: Birds Aust/KA
Wow Scott maybe you should just read what you wrote, after all the old
saying is practice what you preach.
I found the original posts attempt at humor rather off, am I allowed to
state there opinion on a matter. I enjoy a wonderful life photographing
birds from all over the world, I love the creatures and although I agree to
somewhat that their are banders out there that do a shocking job, there are
plenty of birders out there also that do just as bad, to tag a group of
people as a whole is wrong and incorrect. Playing a joke on human life as it
did, I'm afraid shows no love of fellow humans, maybe why the world is in
the mess it is.
> If you intend to participate, make your contribution a positive and
> respectful one. If not, may I suggest that you go away and grow up.
Well then Scott who are you to tell me how I should conduct myself. All I
have done is give my initials, no email address, one reason is I have had
Spam mail from this mail group from all over the world, and I choose not to
reveal my email address. so what is that against the law.
> You sound as if you are issuing a threat.
I don't understand, no where in any post have I threatened anyone so could
you expand on this thinking you have here.
So I don't agree with the so called code of ethics of many birders, that's
my opinion, probably different than yours but non the less I am allowed to
state my opinion.
So who am ? Well just another birder that likes reading this board but
decided to post a thing he thought was unethical, even though it was
supposed to be talking about ethics and has now been slammed for it, So be
it. I have seen it all as far as ethics is concerned and wonder how you
would see sticking a camera just about in a birds nest and remote triggering
it from a laptop. Ethical I don't know but feeds my family.
15/2/02 7:45 PM, Scott O'Keeffe at wrote:
> Well, KA..
> Nobody is twisting your arm to force you to read "crap about banders,
> birders and so called ethics". If you don't like what you read, why
> yourself? Switch off. That's probably best, because, apart from
> ethical behaviour in the field, this list also has a tradition of trying
> encourage ethical treatment of people in our discussions. I'm sure nobody
> would deny you the opportunity to express a dissenting opinion, but your
> manner of doing it is well out of order. I also have cause to wonder on
> what grounds you base your opinion that it is dangerous for any of us to
> our full names and email addresses on this list. You sound as if you are
> issuing a threat. At the very least the comment is uneccesarily
> antagonistic.
> If you intend to participate, make your contribution a positive and
> respectful one. If not, may I suggest that you go away and grow up.
> Scott O'Keeffe
> Real name. Real address. No fear.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Behalf Of KA
> Sent: 15 February 2002 11:19
> To: Tony Russell; Birds Australia
> Subject: Re: [BIRDING-AUS] Re: Birds Aust/KA
> on 15/2/02 9:37 AM, Tony Russell at wrote:
>> Fine to express a point of view, but who's KA ? Surely not King Arthur,
> he
>> wasn't on line . Maybe it's Merlin ? Was Tintagel wired ?
>> This is nearly night parrot stuff,
>> Tony.
> Maybe I am King Arthur, maybe I'm Merlin, but alas I'm neither. Why is it
> worry that I just use initials. I'm not a troller, spammer just a guy that
> likes reading the bird reports not some crap about banders, birders and so
> called ethics.
> Tony, hey if that's your real name and real email address you play with
> handing it out on a news group
> KA
> --
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