
Banyule Flat (Melbourne): apparent absences

Subject: Banyule Flat (Melbourne): apparent absences
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 14:10:52 +1000
By the way, there are some waterbirds that I've never seen at Banyule Flat and
wonder if anyone alse has done?  The apparent "absences"  include Silver Gull,
Australian Shelduck and Whiskered Tern.  The latter two would only be expected
to be vagrants to this fairly small suburban wetland, but I would expect them
occasionally.  Silver Gulls are common on wetlands ~ 3 km away next to sports
ovals, and there is a sports oval close to Banyule Flat though not actually
adjacent.  I've seen Silver Gulls flying over nearby suburbs and scavenging at
shopping centres, but never actually using the wetlands or sports oval at
Banyule Flat.  It's probably because the shore is completely vegetated, but I
wonder if anyone else has comments or observations?  Cheers, Richard.

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