Highlights from twice-weekly Canberra Ornithologists' Group (COG) hotline,
for period ending 20 November (some reports are of earlier obs).
A bit of a mixed bag again.
WHITE-CROWNED MAGPIE inner suburban Ainslie [not too far from the
black-necked bird reported recently)
KOEL apparent influx, including suburbs as scattered as Wanniassa,
Fadden, Telopea Park, Ainslie. [Normally only 1 or 2 a year, though last
year was busy too; the best Koel story of this bunch was the observer who
was robbed of the Meteor shower by clouds, but had a calling Koel flying
over at 5am instead!!]
WHITE-HEADED PIGEON 14/11 in the relatively new southern suburb of
Monash [this is a VERY uncommon bird for Canberra; the long-term 'residents'
of Waramanga disappeared in late September, but that is a long way from Monash]
LATHAMS SNIPE 16/11 one only, the first recorded this season at our
usual hotspot, suburban Jerrabomberra Wetlands [where there are usually a
couple of dozen long before now; too much water!!]
BANDED LAPWINGS 14/11 4 at Lake Bathurst [again very uncommon here, but
when they do turn up, this is usually the place]
REGENT HONEYEATERS 4 reported in flowering Yellow Box (E. melliodora)
near Gunning (on the Hume Highway north of here, between Yass & Goulburn) [A
good record, but we await precise details, including a date]
SPINE-TAILED SWIFTS 15/11 no, not here yet, but at Durras Lake, more or
less due east on the coast.
Hotline number: 02 6247 5530
COG web site: www.canberrabirds.dynamite.com.au/
Ian Fraser, Canberra
Environment Tours; Vertego Environmental Writing Consultancy
GPO Box 3268, Canberra, ACT 2601
ph: 02 62491560 fax: 02 62473227