Highlights from twice-weekly Canberra Ornithologists' Group (COG) hotline,
for period ending 10 November (some reports are of earlier obs).
More by way of interesting obs this time, rather than rare spp etc.
RUFOUS FANTAIL 7/11 Inner suburban Curtin [passage migrants en route up
into the mountains; this is probably the penultimate return, with the swifts
still a month or more away]
GLOSSY BLACK-COCKIES continue to tantalise us on inner suburban Mt
Majura; flock of 18 on 4/11 (!); report of 2 adults with 2 'young' -
awaiting details!!
COLLARED SPARROWHAWK male with adult Grey Shrike-thrush in suburban back
yard (Hackett)[surely close to the limit of what a CSH could manage?!]
occurence; in this case two 'sets' of nests within 20m of each other, and in
each case apparently the LFC began building within a day of the NFB
beginning - any comments?
BLACK DUCKS; a pair swimming side by side, bobbing heads like grebes; again,
any comments?
WHITE-THROATED NIGHTJAR 8/11 Weddin Mtns NP (near Grenfell, south-western
slopes NSW) [again, towards the inland limit of range]
Hotline number: 02 6247 5530
COG web site: www.canberrabirds.dynamite.com.au/
Ian Fraser, Canberra
Environment Tours; Vertego Environmental Writing Consultancy
GPO Box 3268, Canberra, ACT 2601
ph: 02 62491560 fax: 02 62473227