
Re: Black-necked Stork

To: <>
Subject: Re: Black-necked Stork
From: "Vicki Parslow-Stafford" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 18:34:54 +1000
I used to spend a bit of time at Toorbul on the Pumicestone Passage, but
not, alas, for about 4 years.  Checking my lists, I found three sightings
of Black-necked storks in the area, all in 1993 (Jan, April and Oct.). 
IIRC, all three sightings were on the swampy bit near the road on the
right, opposite the pig farm a few miles before you reach Toorbul, and just
before the creek (an area used for some years now for cattle grazing, and
considerable degraded last time I was there).  The last sighting was during
the '93 QOS Twitchathon, when the bird obliging came to rest directly in
the field of view of our binocs while we were looking at something much
less interesting (definitely a Minties moment).

There was quite a bit of water in the swamp at that time, and it was a
great site -- apart from the b-n stork, brolgas were regulars, as well as
glossy ibis, both spoonbills, egrets and a variety of ducks and waders. 
Last few times I was there, it was almost dry and not much was about. 
Anyone have recent information on the status of this site?

Vicki PS
Vicki Parslow Stafford  | "Oh, many a Cup of this
Ipswich, Qld, Australia | forbidden Wine must drown
Email    | the memory of that
Ph/fax +61 7 3281 5010  | insolence!"

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