At 10:07 2/07/97 +1000, you wrote:
>Can anyone out there reccommend "Birdinfo for Windows"or any other
>database that is useful for the average birdwatcher to record birds seen
Dear Neil
I've been using Birdinfo for a couple of years now and find it v. useful
for keeping all my bird records on file.
I haven't used any others so can't really compare, but find data entry fast
you can tick species off in a checklist or enter more details as a survey,
then it will recognise "n miner" as noisy miner, but you have to be careful
some abbreviations will pop up unusual S Amer birds!! etc>
Simon Bennett has always responded quickly to my queries, eg the odd names that
Monroe and Sibley use for some of the South African sparrows which had me
most confused - no fault of the program this, just the Americans deciding
to trample over decades of usage in southern Africa.
I also like its lists of Aus mammals, reptiles and amphibians - encourages
me to keep lists of these when I travel. I'm hoping that they will expand
into world lists of mammals before too long.
The Tallies give quick totals by state, country or region - an improvement
which is in the pipeline or perhaps out in a later version than mine (??),
will allow these tallies for two observers (eg when I've seen a birds on my
own [initials for observer PFW] plus when seen with my wife [PLW]
It will give lists by locality, state country etc and probably a lot of
other fancy things I haven't needed yet.
A bit of discussion on this group about this and other programs would
certainly be welcome since you certainly invest a LOT of time getting
all those tatty notebooks into the magical PC
.... and what's worse is that......
after all that effort you find that you are nowhere near the incredible
fabulous unbelieveable sophisticated totals that Glen, Greg, Tony and the
others have. {I do believe you fellows, I really do!!!}
[I have no commercial interest in this or any other prog]
Dr Peter Woodall email =
Division of Pathobiology
School of Veterinary Science Phone = +61 7 3365 2300
The University of Queensland Fax = +61 7 3365 1355
Brisbane, Qld, Australia 4072 WWW =
"hamba phezulu" (= "go higher" in isiZulu)