Dear Douglas,
While we do not currently have the frequency response with a reference
signal, their "matching" with Sensor Technology hydrophones was measured
thanks to Joe Olson - of Cetacean Research Tech - and SensorTech
We are currently using the m-audio microtracks in an underwater acoustic
monitoring project in Sicily.
Assembled inside a bottom recorder named RASP, and linked to a programmable
timer/controller that starts and stops the recording, it is a
cost-effective way to go for our small budget.
The frequency response of the recorder with matched ST SQ26 hydrophones is
in a PDF file linked from this page:
where "frequency response" is mentioned.
Hope this helps,
Michele Manghi
NAUTA ricerca e consulenza scientifica
CIBRA - Univ. Di Pavia - Italy
-----Messaggio originale-----
Per conto di Douglas Gillespie
Inviato: 10 May 2006 21:58
Oggetto: M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96
Has anyone tested the frequency response of the M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96 at
the extreme ends of its frequency range ?
It's advertised range is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. In the past, I have tested
other M-audio products (e.g. Delta 44 sound card) and have found that their
response at lower frequencies is very good right down to about 2 or 3 Hz and
is also excellent up to about 45 kHz when sampling at 96 kHz.
I've tried to get information out of M-Audio technical help, but without
success. If anyone has made direct measurements of this, or any similar
recorders, I'd be most interested. I'm currently most interested in low
frequencies between about 10 and 20 Hz (blue whales).
Douglas Gillespie
Sea Mammal Research Unit,
Gatty Marine Laboratory,
University of St. Andrews,
Fife, KY16 8LB