Kapusta J & H Szentgyorgyi 2004. Ultrasonic responses of CBA pups to the
odour of genetically different mice. Behaviour 141: 157-167.
Abstract: Mouse pups that are separated from the nest and exposed to cold
temperature emit ultrasonic calls. These signals are perceived by
conspecifics and play an important communicative role in mother-offspring
interaction. Newborn mice are able to modify ultrasonic calls in response to
different olfactory cues. Three-day-old CBA-strain mouse pups produced fewer
sounds in contact with bedding of adult CBA mice than when exposed to
genetically unrelated cues of C57BL and DBA adult animals. The pulses were
also significantly shorter in the presence of odour of CBA mice than when
exposed to another strain. Newborns emitted the shortest signals when in
contact with urine of CBA virgin females, but there were no differences in
vocalizations in response to odours from intact, castrated, and
testosterone-treated castrated CBA males. These results confirm that CBA
pups can distinguish the odour of their genotype. The paper also presents
the first evidence that CBA pups discriminate the sex of adult animals and
that the chemosignals recognized by pups are secreted with urine but are not