PROCEEDINGS (editors Peter G.H. Evans & Lee A. Miller). 84pp.
Active sonar, operating with sound source levels of up to 245 dB re
1=B5Pa @ 1 m at frequencies mainly between 1 and 150 kHz, is frequently
used for fish-finding, oceanography, charting and in military
activities (for example locating submarines). Since the mid-1990s,
concern has been expressed over the potential impact these sounds may
have upon cetaceans (particularly deep diving toothed whales of the
suborder Odontoceti such as the beaked whales, family Ziphiidae),
and post mortem studies of mass stranded animals in the Bahamas,
Madeira and, most recently, in the Canaries have revealed multifocal
haemorrhaging and ear damage.
The purpose of this workshop was to bring together whale biologists,
pathologists, acousticians, and representatives of governments,
oceanographic institutes and national navies with interests in this
topic, to objectively review the existing evidence and, where
detrimental effects are implicated, to identify possible mitigation
measures. Attention focused upon the species involved and any
characteristics that may make them especially vulnerable, as well as
on the nature of the sound source (sound levels, peak frequencies,
usage, and sound transmission in relation to oceanographic
The workshop took place on 8 March 2003 at Las Palmas, Gran Canaria,
immediately before the start of the 17th Annual Conference of the
European Cetacean Society. It was attended by around 110 persons from
21 countries representing a wide variety of disciplines and
interests. Contents of the resulting volume are included below.
Current members of the European Cetacean Society and workshop
contributors will automatically receive a copy of the Proceedings.
Any others wishing to receive a copy, please fill in the enclosed
booking form.
Workshop Programme
Evans, P.G.H. and Miller, L.A. Introduction
Harland, E.J. Introduction to active sonar
Zimmer, W.M.X. Sonar systems and stranding of beaked whales
=46rantzis, A. The first mass stranding that was associated with the
use of active sonar
(Kyparissiakos Gulf, Greece, 1996)
Ketten, D.R., Rowles, T., Cramer, S., O'Malley, J., Arruda, J., and
Evans, P.G.H. Cranial trauma
in beaked whales
=46reitas, L. The stranding of three Cuvier's beaked whales Ziphius
cavirostris in Madeira archipelago
Martin, V., Servidio, A. and Garc=EDa, S. Mass strandings of beaked
whales in the Canary Islands
=46ern=E1ndez, A. Pathological findings in stranded beaked whales during
the naval military
manoeuvres near the Canary Islands
M=F8hl, B. Sperm whale sonar rivals tactical sonar with source levels at 235=
Tyack, P.L. and Johnson, M. Can controlled exposure experiments be
used to help determine safe
exposure for beaked whales? - tools and techniques for quantifying
the responses of whales to sound
Nachtigall, P.E. and Supin, A.Ya. Measuring hearing with acoustic
brainstem responses
Pavan, G., Fossati, C., Manghi, M., and Priano, M. Passive
acoustic tools for the implementation
of acoustic risk mitigation policies
Carron, M. NATO SACLANTCEN marine mammal risk mitigation programme
(sound, ocean,
and living marine resources)
Johnson, J.S. High frequency marine mammal monitoring active sonar system
Gentry, R.L. Mitigation measures for use with military sonar
Macleod, C.D. Insights into the determination of beaked whale
'hotspots' through the development
of a global database
Evans, P.G.H. and Miller, L.A. Concluding Remarks
List of workshop participants
Dr Peter G.H. Evans
Sea Watch Foundation
11 Jersey Road
Oxford 0X4 4RT, UK
Tel: 44-(0)1865-717276