the Mac too), that allow to import binary data and to resample soundfiles.
However, because these applications were designed for standard soundcards,
most of them limit the maximum sampling frequency, that can be processed to
100 or 192 kHz. One workaround for this problem would be to time-expand the
recordings (e.g. by setting the sampling rate attribute of the file header
to 35.0 kHz). These programs would then allow to resample the recordings to
31.25 kHz. You could then import the resampled files into your own
application (knowing implicitly, that the original sampling rate of
350 kHz has been transformed to 312.5 kHz).
Avisoft-SASLab Pro is a PC software specifically designed for animal sound
analysis, that has an integrated resampling feature (command
Edit/Format/Sampling Frequency Conversion...). The maximum sampling
frequency supported is 1 MHz and there are many useful features for bat call
analysis (and synthesis). It also supports importing binary data and
processing the standard Apple sound file format (.aif). SASLab Pro can be
operated on the Mac with the VirtualPC emulation software.
Raimund Specht
Avisoft Bioacoustics
Hauptstr. 52
13158 Berlin
phone/fax : +49 30 9163758