There will be a special session entitled "Ecological Psychoacoustics" at the
upcoming Spring meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. The session
is co-sponsored by the "Physiological and Psychological Acoustics" and
"Animal Bioacoustics" groups.
Speakers will present research on auditory perception-action relationships,
aurally guided behavior, auditory cognition, the role of evolution in
audition, and other topics.
Those interested in contributing a talk should visit the ASA website
at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Deadline for abstracts is January 6,2003.
Abstracts can be online by going to the ASA home page at <a
href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Expanded Description:
Traditional psychoacoustics often employs stimuli and listening conditions
that rarely occur in real-world environments. Although there are often
tenable reasons for employing such measures, the ecological validity of
these experiments is often questionable. This session will highlight
research that takes an ecological look at some traditionally psychoacoustic
John G. Neuhoff
The College of Wooster
Department of Psychology
Wooster, OH 44691
<a href=""
Voice (330) 263-2475
FAX (928) 244-5577