Could I put in word for Olive-backed Oriole? Open weave nest, even if perhaps unfinished, looks familiar.
On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 4:24 PM Dick Turner <> wrote:
Andy and others,
Yes Noisy does have a western limit. I had to refer to the new
guide to see that Little Friarbird does occur a little further
I certainly saw Noisies along the Lachlan River.
And perhaps i should have added that the smaller honeyeaters have
a smaller nest compared with the eucalypt leaf in the image--and
they have smaller fibres like grass--and are so refined that they
are almost transparent.
regards, Dick Turner
On 26/10/2018 5:25 PM, Andy Burton
I was thinking the same, Dick. Do NFs reach that far west?
On 26 Oct 2018, at 2:46 pm, Dick Turner <>
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