From the NSW Bird Atlassers Atlas of the Birds of NSW.
There was no reference to the "reported interbreeding" .
Cheers Chris
Although the distinct mallee form, known as the Yellow-rumped Pardalote
/P. p. xanthopyge/ was considered to be a separated species but with
reported interbreeding they have been considered separately here due to
their distinct habitat requirements. Schodde and Mason (1999) list three
subspecies with the small /P.p. militaris/ population isolated from
Cooktown south to about Mackay in Queensland.
On 4/09/2016 10:58 AM, calyptorhynchus . wrote:
> A few years ago I initiated a discussion on BA as to whether the
> Yellow-rumped Pardalote (aka Spotted Pardalote ssp xanthopyge) was a
> separate sp.
> I pointed out that it looks different, sounds different and lives in
> different habitat to the Spotted Pardalote and asked whether it interbred
> with Spotted Pardalotes where it met with them. BA respondents reported
> that there were no reports, either in the literature or personally known to
> them, of this.
> It occurs to me there is one further question to answer. In biogeographical
> theory it would be neater if the WA Spotted Pardalotes were also a separate
> sp. You could get around this by saying that in a dry period in the
> Pleistocene Spotted Pardalotes' continuous range broke down into an eastern
> refuge, a central refuge and a SW refuge and the pops at either end didn't
> change much and are still the same sp, but the central pop (perhaps because
> it was in smaller numbers and more stressed) changed markedly and deserves
> species status.
> But it would be neater if the WA pop of Spotted Pardalote is also different
> from the eastern populations... is there any evidence for this?
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