I disagree with you. There have been relatively few 'adverts' and my
reading of them is that they are mainly by folk who are birder members of
the list anyway not the thoroughly commercial companies. And if
birding-aus gets 750k hits I'd see that as excellent, as it meant folk were
learning a bit about birds.
Martin Butterfield
On 16 May 2015 at 17:36, Fiona Anderson <> wrote:
> > Subject: Advertising
> >
> > It seems to me that this site is not the right place to advertise
> birding tours. There have been quite a few recently and I cannot imagine
> that it was set up by Russell as a commercial venture. There is a
> perfectly good Australian birding directory specifically designed by Klaus
> Uhlenhut for that. It contains everything to do with birding from guides,
> tour companies, accommodation (single cottages through to much larger
> establishments), art, equipment supplies, etc. It is
> I am sick of people wanting to advertise on the cheap and filling up a
> site that was, I'm sure, not designed for that. Do other birders agree
> with me? Ausbird has had about 750,000 hits and I would hate to see all
> that on birding-aus.
> > Cheers, Fiona
> >
> >
> > Sent from my iPad
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