I agree, it often doesn't matter, but it does matter when people start
competing to see the highest number of species, or reporting them to the
various databases. In order to compare counts, people's standards need to be
similar or it leads to accusations of cheating. And it would be a pity if the
databases contained possible sightings, like your Grey Falcons, reported as
definites (which I assume you didn't).
Peter Shute
Sent from my iPad
> On 10 May 2015, at 1:18 pm, Philip Veerman <> wrote:
> I agree with Allan but ultimately someone's tick list is their business and
> whatever rules or criteria they wish to use, whether considered silly or not
> by me or someone else is their business and we can agree to disagree and
> maybe get a laugh from it. Some will include birds caught by someone else on
> a banding trip (e.g. you are on a beach in Broome and see thousands of
> waders but the only one of a particular species you see is one caught for
> banding), others won't include it, or your only record of a Sooty Owl,
> Scrub-bird, etc. is hearing it, or a seabird found alive beach washed by
> yourself or someone else, that dies soon after, at what point does someone
> include it or not..... Three times I believe I have seen a Grey Falcon but
> never been certain but I'm pretty sure they weren't something else. Does it
> matter? Not really. Should anyone else care? Certainly not.
> Philip
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Birding-Aus On Behalf Of
> Allan Richardson
> Sent: Saturday, 9 May 2015 11:00 PM
> To: Peter Ewin
> Cc: Martin Cake;
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Grasswrens and fairy-wrens.
> HI Peter,
> It is obvious, I think, that all members of a species are just that, and to
> deny you've seen one when you actually have, on the grounds that it's
> plumage is not distinctive enough for it to be accepted is as silly as
> suggesting that a female as distinctive as any male would be worthy of the
> ticking privilege in the absence of an adult male - I thought that was
> clear?
> Happy birding
> Allan
>> On 9 May 2015, at 10:08 pm, Peter Ewin <> wrote:
>> An interesting concept - would they then tick the Top End or Kimberley
> race of the Variegated Fairy-wren where the female is very different to the
> southern races, whereas the male is very similar?
>> The one Gouldian Finch I have seen was a juvenile bird amongst a flock of
> finches near Top Springs Roadhouse - it was actually a challenge to ID and I
> would love to see a full adult male, but it is definately on my list!
>> Chers,
>> Peter
>>> From: <>
>>> Date: Sat, 9 May 2015 08:27:13 +1000
>>> To: <>
>>> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Grasswrens and fairy-wrens.
>>> CC: <>
>>> Agree with Graeme Martin - that is a cracking bird (aren't they all?).
>>> I once showed a young birder (who will remain nameless) a family group
> of White-winged Fairy-wrens, but all we saw were females, and funnily enough
> he wouldn't tick the species on his list until he had seen a coloured up
> male. Oh didn't we get into a debate on whether the fairer sex could take
> offence to such a notion, but he wouldn't see it any other way. I defy him
> not to tick this taxa on a female alone...
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