Hi John,
Berwick Springs Lake in Narre Warren South
(http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L2547655) is pretty reliable at the moment
while the fountain is off. Both species are there and usually viewable from the
beach looking towards the island. There has been a family of seven swans there
this year. The five youngsters are probably almost fully grown by now. If you
have no luck here, check the lake on the other side of the road from the
bridge. If still no luck (which would be really unlucky), head back to the
island side and follow the path south past the playground to the wooden bridge.
If you cross the wooden bridge and continue on the path, you will come to the
Beaumont Waters lake in which both species have also been present.
Sent from my iPad
> On 30 Apr 2015, at 9:58 pm, ""
> <> wrote:
> Hi Birders,
> If you know of sites in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne that have resident,
> or at least regular, swans and pelicans can you please let me know.
> My spots have not been reliable for a few weeks and I need these two to keep
> my local Birdaday list going before heading out in the field over the next
> few weeks.
> Thanks,
> John
> Yours in all things "green"
> John Harris BASc, GDipEd
> Director - Wildlife Experiences P/L
> Principal Zoologist/Ecologist
> Nature Photographer
> Wildlife Guide
> Croydon, Vic
> 0409 090 955
> President, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
> www.fncv.org.au
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "John Boyce" <>
> To: "birding aus" <>
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Anyone going to be taking part in the global Big Day
> on May 9 organised by Cornell Uni and ebird?
> Date: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 12:23
> Apologies if this has been posted before and I missed it. ebird site hoping
> for 4000 species around the world on the one day!
> See http://ebird.org/globalbigday/?siteLanguage=en for details
> In our ongoing effort to push the boundaries of a Big Day, we're inviting
> everybody around the world to join together and participate in our Global
> Big Day to support global conservation.
> --
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