Wonder if anyone can help? At the weekend I went to Lake Tuchewop in
Victoria to look for the Long-billed Dowitcher and arrived at the southern
end of the lake on Saturday evening just before it got dark. Whilst
searching for the wader I noticed an immature gull with a classic
non-breeding head-pattern as a Black-headed Gull, (two small dark-patches)
however the other birders present assured me that it was just a juvenile
Silver Gull (....and it probably was!)
I then realised that I've hardly bothered to look at juvenile Silver Gulls
and never seen this feature in the past. Does anyone have imagery (or know
of some web-links) of juvenile Silver Gull which show head-markings? All
the ones that I've checked so far don't show any.
Any assistance gratefully received,
Hawthorn East 3123
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