> On 15 Nov 2014, at 9:28 pm, Russell Woodford <> wrote:
> Bill Stent and I abandoned plans to drive to Lake Tutchewop today because
> the Dowitcher hadn't been seen for a couple of days. Of course, that
> ensured it returned to its original spot. I hope the dozens, if not
> hundreds, of birders who saw it today will appreciate our sacrifice.
Perhaps if you do decide to head up there, you should warn everyone else first.
> Bill took lots of photos and he has posted a few on the Facebook Vic
> Birders' group. I know some readers are cautious about using Facebook, and
> yes, the ads get a bit annoying, but it's a great place to see what's
> trending in the birding world - and you can always watch / read and never
> post if you are worried about privacy. Most of us don't get all our news
> from one TV channel or one newspaper, and it's like that in birding, with
> Facebook, Eremaea Birdline, eBird, Birding-Aus and other forums each
> providing something a little different.
Note that it's possible receive all the group's posting by email, and even to
reply by email.
I think by default one receives "comments" posted by "friends" to the group by
email, and also "replies" to any comments you've replied to yourself. That's
how it was for me and I don't remember configuring it, but might have.
It's possible to turn this behaviour off if you can't cope with the flood of
It's also possible to configure it to send emails for all comments, which is
handy for monitoring the group if you can't be bothered continually checking it
I find the email notifications handy, but I've configured a message rule to
automatically move them into a folder because there are just so many of them.
Do any of the veteran Facebook users have any other tips?
Peter Shute
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