I've sent you a small file image. If anyone else wishes to see it, would you
mind if they contact you for a forwarding of the image? I'm still on the
never-ending birding trip, with two birds to go before end of June to make my
targeted 'half-year' species list of 700. I will be home for a week in mid July
if anyone needs a big file image. BTW if anyone knows where I have best shot
at Regent Bowerbird in Brisbane, please let me know (tonight!). Recent
locations please. Isn't there a cafe somewhere near Mt Glorious with tame birds?
PS: Number 698 was Inskip Black-breasted BQ today, and I thought it worth
mentioning somewhere that for some reason the area with 'platelets' appears to
have shrunken, and I took hours, not the usual minutes to find a bird. Not
sure if its the predomination of ferns and spreading Lantana, or if a cat has
moved in, or if, as usual, I'm grasping for excuses.
John W
Hi John,
that is very interesting. Have you put the photo online ? And if so what is
the link to it. I'd be very interested in seeing it.
Thanks for replying,
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 12:14 PM, John Weigel <>
> Hi David
> I photographed one on Crab Ck Rd 1km before Broome Bird Observatory.
> George Swan later told me it is predominant form in the region.
> John W
> *To*:""
> <>*Subject*:"blue
> ' Brown Quail*From*:David Richardson <>*Date*:Tue,
> 24 Jun 2014 15:48:42 +1000
> Hi everyone,
> Just enquireing if anyone on list has encountered the "blue ' form of Brown
> Quail ?
> Very interested to know of sightings and where .
> Thanks,
> David Richardson
John Weigel AM
Australian Reptile Park
PO 737 Gosford NSW 2250
(02) 4340 1022
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