Published sightings for the week ending 15 Jun 2014.
Sun 15 Jun
Regent Honeyeater
Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park
One unbanded and two 2010 captive realised banded birds at Chiltern today. Terrific extended views. Some mimicry of Red Wattlebird calls noted by the birds. Feeding off some lightly flowering ironbark and also actively hawking for insects.
Michael Ramsey-Bronzewing Birding Services
Little Eagle (2) Blue-billed Duck (73) Freckled Duck (1)
Eastern Treatment Plant, Bangholme
Great views of 2 Little Eagles near front Gate. Counted 73 Blue-billed Ducks at Final Effulent Pond along with at least 100 Hardheads and 1 Freckled duck amongst Black Duck and Teal.
Colin Mulvogue
Pink Robin
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Female Pink Robin on Pt Wilson Rd north of Paradise Rd.
Single Glossy Ibis on Paradise Rd and 5 Brolga were the other highlights of a fairly quiet day at the plant
Dave Torr, Christine Shelley, Mark Buckby
Blue- Winged Parrot
Wonthaggi Desalination Revegetation
Went looking for the Bittern this afternoon with no luck but came across many Blue Winged Parrots. 2 groups of 20 or more and 5 groups of 6 to
15. Conservatively around 70 feeding between the road into the desal plant and the bird hide. Many other species in abundance, including, chats, rosellas, skylarks and many water birds.
Deb Crosby
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
Curlewis Golf Course
Large flock of Cockatoos, est. 60-80 observed & photographed flying & landing in Pine Trees on the Corio Bay side of the golf club.
Ian J Llewellyn
Little Eagle
Karkarook Park
A dark morph bird was seen soaring overhead at 11:30am.
Lewis Hiller
Australasian Bittern
Braeside Park
Seen flying leisurely over Braeside main pond at 9am at some height from east to west, landing in wetland adjacent to Governor Rd factories.
John Daniels
Freckled Duck
Farm Dam at Narracan East.
The dam is upstream right at the the corner of Ten Mile Creek Rd and the Morwell - Thorpdale Rd. The Freckled Duck was with about 12 Pacific Black Ducks at the eastern end of the dam. When I drew up they all swam away towards the reeds at the western end. First sighting of the species in this area.
David Mules
Fri 13 Jun
Turquoise Parrot
Following up on a report from Mark Bennett on May 31, it was pleasing to find 20 plus Turquoise parrots at the end of the Lilliput Winery where it meets Black Dog Creek on the dirt road, despite constant rain throughout the morning.
Bernie OKeefe
Swift Parrot, Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, possible Regent Honeyeater
Bailieston Historic Reserve
At least 50 Swift Parrots through the reserve in small flocks throughout the morning, appearing to largely be lerping on Grey Box. Also one Tawny-crowned Honeyeater - presumably same one found by John Barkla et al. on 25/5 nearby. Reason for visit was to follow up on a possible Regent Honeyeater call heard last week by Don Roberts, an observer experienced with the species. I failed to locate one, but the conditions of the reserve look great and it's only a few kms from where a bird was a couple of years ago - so I'm posting this information in the hope someone else might have more luck!
Dean Ingwersen
Thu 12 Jun
Australasian Bittern
Desalination Plant Wonthaggi
At bird hide at about 0845 hrs. Bittern first flew towards the hide when I crossed the wooden walkway 150 metres from the hide. Almost as soon as I opened a viewing port in the hide the bittern moved into view about 40 m away between a couple of clumps of reeds. It poised there for about 3 secs then flew low to the left and dropped into the reed beds. I took several photos but light levels were low and it was partially obscured by reeds.
David Mules
Silvereye and Grey Butcherbird
I heard a few louds bangs against the house windows. On investigating, a very dazed silvereye lay on the ground. I put it on a garden rock to take photos, while it was concussed. After many minutes, it suddenly took flight to a bottlebrush three meters away, for cover. But just as it was almost in cover, a bird from nowhere took it in flight, sat in the bottlebrush, and began to tear pieces off it to eat! It looked like a kingfisher, but greys and white. Checking Pizzey confirmed my initial thought that is was a butcherbird. Probably a female as it was more browns than greys. So I got some pictures of silvereyes last moments alive. (Moderators note: both common species but an interesting account).
Ruth Worland
White-bellied Sea Eagle
Dead River Beach, Cobram
Adult pair and juvenile surveying shallow bend and lagoon of the Murray river.
Neville Gloury
Wed 11 Jun
Rose-ringed Parakeet (Indian Ringneck)
Yarra Trail, Burnley
One Indian Ringneck was seen perched on a low branch of a eucalypt, I presume an escapee.
Lewis Hiller
Tue 10 Jun
Six Gang-gangs in the Sugar Gums in Burnley Park just to the north of Swan St and the railway line this morning and yesterday afternoon.
Dave Dickson
Mon 9 Jun
Red Throat, Banded Lapwing, Major Mitchell
Wyperfield N.P
A couple of good days at Wyperfield with the highlight being 3 Red throats at the end of the Discovery Walk Wonga Campground. Also 2 Banded lapwings paddock adjacent Pine Plains Lodge and # Major Mitchells at Snodrift.
Greg and Janice McKay
Waratah Bay
I observed a flock of up to 50 Sanderlings along the shoreline of Waratah Bay. They were associating with the local Hooded Plovers. This was the first time we have seen them in this area and checking the books, they wouldn't normally be here at this time of year
Claire Kent
White-fronted, & Purple-gaped Honeyeaters
Greater Bendigo National Park (Kamarooka)
Great for honeyeaters in the area at moment with16 species recorded! They were: Red Wattlebird, Noisy Miner, Blue-faced, Black-chinned, Brown-headed, White-naped, Yellow-faced, Yellow-tufted, Purple-gaped, White-eared, Yellow-plumed, Fuscous, White-plumed, Tawny-crowned (heard), White-fronted & Eastern Spinebill.
Kevin Bartram
Superb Parrot
James Creek Rd, Picola
About 20 Superb Parrots on the northern part of James Creek Rd, near Picola.
Kevin Bartram
Intermediate Egret
Mill Park Lakes
Single egret observed not far from the "bridge", along Gabriel Terrace.
Richard Arnold
Little Eagle, Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
Bentleigh East
Previously reported light morph Little Eagle still present. It flew over some pines flushing 31 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, I thought this a good number of the species for such a built-up area.
Lewis Hiller
Sat 7 Jun
Mallee Emu-Wren
Hatta-Kulkyne NP - Konardin Track
A pair of Mallee Emu-Wrens seen along the track about 500m from the Nowingi Track junction. My fifth visit and finally success! Also seen were 6 Major Mitchell Cockatoos, a male Gilbert's Whistler, a male Hooded Robin and a very confiding pair of Chestnut Quail-Thrush feeding around us.
Max O'Sullivan and Nella Smith