G'day all and thanks for your thoughts.
I reckon it is generally s
On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Steve Clark <> wrote:
> G’day all
> Are these terms interchangeable?
> For example: The HANZAB entry for Little Shrikethrush movements states
> “Almost certainly sedentary, but widely described as resident in literature”
> The glossary in the latest Pizzey states:
> Sedentary: staying in the same locality throughout the year
> Resident: remaining in one place all year; non-migratory
> In volume 1a of HANZAB they state:
> Resident: most individuals non-migratory though some may move long
> distances
> Sedentary: most individuals not normally moving more than 50 km.
> Would someone please explain the distinction with examples?
> Cheers
> Steve Clark
> Hamilton, Vic
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