Birdline South Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 18 May 2014.
Sat 17 May
Southern Emu-wren
Mt Compass Wetlands Boardwalk
Single female bird observed. Located about 50m along boardwalk. Tawny underparts and distinct streaked upperparts observed.
Rebecca Zanker
Sat 10 May
Black-chinned Honeyeater, Golden Whistler, Crested Shrike-Tit
A wonderful weekend in my Harrogate garden with a pair of Golden Whistlers spending considerable time around my yard and a Crested Shrike-Tit too. Later in the afternoon, a Black-chinned Honeyeater visited a water bowl on my decking while we were sitting there. This is the first time I have sighted the Black-chinned Honeyeater on my property.
Last week I saw a Hooded Robin in my garden. As my native garden develops, the birds just keep on coming.
Madeleine Wearne
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