Birdline South Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 4 May 2014.
Sun 4 May
Painted Button-quail
Black Hill Conservation Park (southern section)
The bird caught my attention by walking, slowly then briskly, into the scrub from beside the track as I approached. Southern section of Orchard track; middle of the day.
James Harrison
Sat 26 Apr
Elegant Parrot
Clifftop at Maslins Beach off Bowering Hill Rd
Up to 20 birds seen early in mornings (~0730) of 24-26 April. Another observer tried for them on 28th but had no luck. Poor photo attached
Martin Butterfield
Tue 22 Apr
Chirruping Wedgebill, White-backed Swallow
36 km west of Cameron Corner
1 Chirruping Wedgebill, 20 White-backed Swallows in red sand dunes with cane grass (also White-winged Fairywrens but unfortunately no sign of Eyrean Grasswrens).
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
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