Hi everyone
My latest poetry collection has just been published, blurb below.
From a birding-aus point of view this collection is notable for several
bird poems:
Shadow Birds p14
Black-Cockatoos in Winter p16
Seeking, but not finding, the Mikado Pheasant p23
Black-Cockatoos in Autumn p25
Under the Magpie's Song p.27
After Rain (Swallows) p30
As well as numerous mentions of birds, and a dwelling on the natural world
There will a Canberra launch at which attendees will be invited to purchase
the collection for an early-bird $10 (as opposed to $19.95). Any
birding-aus people who want to take advantage of this offer from afar,
please let me know.
all the best
Poetry by John Leonard
John Leonard is an Australian poet and writer whose work concentrates on
the necessity for people at this crucial moment in history not to lose
sight of humanity’s place as part of nature, and the necessity for
rejection of the imperatives forced on people by the dominant political
culture, in favour of humanity, flexibility, humour and insight.
In his powerful fifth collection, John Leonard dissects contemporary life
and ideas in intense, but human, lyric poetry. This four-part collection
begins with a section of meditative poems of everyday moments, often of
great peace (‘The Hope and Trust of the Times’). Following a section of
satires on the complacencies and delusions of our world, a section on
poetry and other arts reinstates a feeling of the grounded and the valid
(‘Sadness is no Longer Sad’). The final section, (‘Change beyond Change’),
is a series of reflections on the end-game our society is playing with the
global environment, and necessarily ends on a sombre note.
John Leonard was born in the UK, and from 1984 to 1987 studied at Oxford
University. In 1991 he moved to Australia. He currently lives in Canberra,
and was poetry editor of the journal Overland from 2003 to 2007.
Previous works:
Poetry: Unlove (1991); 100 Elegies for Modernity (1997);
Jesus in Kashmir (2003); Braided Lands (2010) Criticism: The Way of Poetry
John Leonard
I want to be with the 9,999 other things.
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