Birdline Northern Territory
Published sightings for the week ending 11 May 2014.
Thu 8 May
White-breasted Whistler
East Point (Darwin)
Previous visits to the tropical North have proved frustrating in chasing the male. A reticence to pose patiently in bright sunlight appears to be beyond its level of patience! My best effort to date - the mollusc helps.
Paul Newman
Broad-billed Flycatcher
East Point (Darwin)
I was searching East Point for this species when a visiting twitcher from the UK mentioned that she had seen a "dark bird with a mandarin-coloured breast" on the boardwalk. Subsequently located and photographed the male, shots of which could not be conclusively proved to be BBFC (although the brilliant bib did it for me). Accompanying shot of immature shows graduated rectrices and pale lores. Many thanks to the visiting birder.
Paul Newman
Mon 5 May
Parrot - Princess ( Polytelis Alexandrae)
Section 1 Larapinta Trail
Co-ords - S 23° 39.065 E 133° 52.126
Sighted at 8-8:30am
Not quick enough for a picture, sorry.
Anne Griffiths
Thu 24 Apr
Inland Dotterel
Stuart Highway, North of Erldunda
A group of 15 Inland Dotterel observed on a gibber plain, north of Erldunda.
Philip Maher & AOS tour group
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