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Date: 6 January 2014 4:02:39 am AEDT
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Subject: Birdline Victoria Weekly Update
Birdline Victoria
Published sightings for the week ending 5 Jan 2014.
Sun 5 Jan Cape Barren Geese Willow Lodge Horse Paddocks in Bungower Rd,
14 birds counted (not all in photo), this afternoon in the horse paddocks
(north side of Bungower Rd) - often seen there.
Snez Plunkett
Black Falcon Glenrowan West
A single bird seen flying and calling early this morning .
Kate Daniel
Sat 4 Jan Black Falcon, Peregrine Falcon Rowsley Valley
Several raptors seen in a short time mainly around the Rowsley Fire Station.
Goshawk also heard calling. Overcast, windy. Black Falcon (1) Flew past me,
coming in directly from south of the fire station. Photos. Peregrine Falcon (1)
Calling and attacking one of a pair of Whistling Kites near the fire station.
Bernie McRitchie
Sat 4 Jan Long-toed Stint Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Found Long-toed Stint late in day. Info and photo submitted to hopefully assist
others: bird feeding on floating vegetation (even rising and falling with
ripples of water underneath) in corner of Western lagoons, pond 9 nearest the
pole with solar panel and the "Spit" reserve sign. A very helpful Red-necked
Stint flew in to give a wonderful comparison (photo). Thanks to Steve, Simon,
Marg, Richard.
Craig Morley, David Tytherleigh
Cape Barren Geese South end of McKirdys Road, Tyabb (Paddocks to the
3 Geese seen in a paddock around 6pm. The area is well known for CBG sightings
and a large number regularly fly-over to this section of Western Port. More
commonly seen in horse-paddocks in nearby Bungower Rd, and also now permanent
residents at Moonlit Sanctuary a bit further up the Tybb-Tooradin Rd. I've not
seen them in McKirdie Rd before. My camera is not good enough to zoom in that
Snez Plunkett
Spotted Harrier Heatherton
Spotted Harrier (1) Great views, harrying low over Henry St quarry. Seen again
later at Karkarook Park.
Lewis Hiller
Fri 3 Jan Long-toed Stint Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Long-toed Stint (1) seen on Western lagoons 9. Photo was taken through grass on
the bank
Richard Arnold
Fri 3 Jan White-headed Pigeon Lake Bunga, Lakes Entrance
Two males and a female White-headed, active at dusk. (Last reported from this
site in September 2006). Two Wonga pigeons active at same site at dawn. Other
unusual sightings at Lake Bunga on 3rd Jan include a pair of Great-crested
Grebes, Little Eagle and Peregrine Falcon.
Roger Francey
Broad-billed Sandpiper Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
We spotted the Broad-billed Sandpiper at 11.30am where it was reported
previously but to our surprise we found an additional 2 birds. The 3 birds were
all feeding together at the western lagoons pond 5. We had very good views of a
Long-toed Stint at T.Section lagoons pond 4. Also at the T. Section lagoons was
a pair of Brolgas and a medium sized young and an additional 2 adults at the Q
grassland ponds. Baillon's and Spotted Crakes were also still in the reeds at
T. Section lagoons pond 4. Interesting for the WTP, were 3 White-browed
Woodswallows at the intersection of Paradise Rd and Point Wilson Rd.
Martin Rowland and Maarten Hulzebosch
Australian Koel Hawkesburn/Toorak
These birds are still hanging around the city. One was calling this morning not
far from the Hawksburn Station.
Euan Moore
Grey Plover, Long-toed Stint Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Grey Plover (1) Seen on spit Long-toed Stint (2) 1 on western lagoons 9 and 1
on pond 4 of t section
Philip Peel, James Mustafa, Richard Arnold
Thu 2 Jan Australian Koel Beechworth
One calling near Lake Sambell in morning, also heard yesterday evening 1 Jan.
Richard Loyn
Song Thrush. Rear garden of large suburban block in Hoppers Crossing
At 1445 hours, I observed a single Song Thrush in a bird bath in my rear
garden. In the last week or so, I have observed this or another Song Thrush in
the moist table drains along the street where I reside.
Peter Gibbons
Rufous Songlark Tanunda Wetlands, Mill Park
Rufous Songlark (2) Great, close views of two birds, one on south side of main
lake and one at north-eastern end. Rufous rump and streaked plumage showing
beautifully. Have never seen them in the area.
Owen Lishmund
Long-toed Stint Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Still in Pond 9 at Western Lagoon - seen briefly around 3pm in green weed by
the road, then flew to island in the middle. One Brolga in Western Lagoons.
Dave Torr, Christine Shelley, Hans and Beatta from Sweden
Wed 1 Jan Broad-billed Sandpiper, Long-toed Stint Western Treatment
Plant, Werribee
Thanks to Jenny Spry's report (31/12) I got up early. overcast warm windy at
times Broad-billed Sandpiper (1) Western Lagoon pond 5, at the end of the
central track (at 12:30 high tide, not present at 8 am) Long-toed Stint (2)
Western Lagoons pond 9. Also Grey Plover, Pacific Golden Plover Curlew
Angus Hartshorn
Wed 1 Jan Painted Honeyeater Beechworth
One calling in scattered trees with mistletoe 6 km south of Beechworth town
(near Fighting Gully Road). There were many here Nov-Dec, fewer in last week of
Richard Loyn & Debbie Tully
Cape Barren Goose Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
A pair of Cape Barren Geese at Lake Borrie on the grass just at the small
bridge/culvert on the way to the bird hide.
Francis Crome
White-throated Needletail Wilby
First big flock for this summer. Approximately 400 birds over the garden and
nearby paddocks late morning.
Michael Ramsey
Broad-billed Sandpiper Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Pair of Cape Barren Geese at Lake Borrie braving the wind and rain on grass at
narrow bridge/culvert on way to hide. Broad-billed Sandpiper still at Western
Lagoon near gate 2.
Francis Crome
Silver Gull Lake Linlithgow
Watched gulls (adults and juvenile) for 10-20 minutes as they were actually
working together to collect up and eat bugs disturbed off the lakes edge. A
small group (5-7) would line up in a row (police search line like) then walk
along the beach snapping bugs as they disturbed them, heads held down in line
with bod. They covered approximately 500m of beach then flew back to the start
began again. I have seen individual gulls puddle in surf to disturb prey but
never as a group working cooperatively. (Moderator's note: published for
interesting behaviour).
Samantha Greiner
Red-necked Avocet Jones Bay Wildlife Reserve
400+ Avocets on top end of Jones Bay at southern end of Phillips Lane southeast
of Bairnsdale.
John Hutchison
Australian Painted Snipe Nr Horsham
2 snipe flushed at a spot I think is known locally as The Black Waterhole,
approx 52 km from Horsham on the Wimmera Highway. Reflushed 1 bird & had
fantastic views of female Painted Snipe as it flew in an arc around us. We
spent some time looking, but could not relocate it. However the second bird
flew around us, giving us great views of a male.
Brian Johnston & Beth Carr
Barking Owl Benalla
Woken at 1:45 this morning by a Barking Owl that called for about 3 minutes
from small trees outside our property in Killena Avenue. A good start to the
new year even if I was unable to see it.
Bill Morecraft
Tue 31 Dec Black-tailed Native-hen Humevale. Whittlesea Golf Course.
Two seen on the edge of the water hazard on the 13th hole.
Christopher Kenneth Cobern
Malleefowl Ouyen - Patchewollock
Saw 6 Malleefowl in a stubble paddock close to the road.One came up very close
to the children. I think one was a young bird.
Dianne,Colin Stewart and family.Birdlife Mildura
Pacific Golden-Plover, Eastern Curlew, Curlew Sandpiper Shallow Inlet
Marine and Costal Park
Pacific Golden-Plover (3) Seen out on a sandbar at low tide Eastern Curlew (1)
Seen near the Plovers Curlew Sandpiper A couple amongst the 100s of Stints
Vincent Knowles
Long-toed Stint, Marsh Sandpiper. Western Treatment Plant, Werribee.
At 1740 hours, I observed a single Long-toed Stint in the centre of the last
pond (pond 9) of the Western Lagoons area, closest to the Murtcaim Outlet, as
described by Jenny Spry. The Stint was harassed at times by a Sharp-tailed
Sandpiper. Also in the pond were three Marsh Sandpipers.
Peter Gibbons.
Broad-billed Sandpiper, Long-toed Stint Western Treatment Plant,
There was a Broad-billed Sandpiper in Western Lagoon pond 5, at the end of the
central track, and the Long-toed Stint was in the farthest corner of pond 9,
down by the Murtcain Outlet. Viewed from the track there were 6 Grey Plover, 3
Red Knot, 1 Far Eastern Curlew and 1 Bar-tailed Godwit in the long lagoon
inside the spit. Pectoral Sandpipers were in Western Lagoon and Borrow Pit.
Jenny Spry
Further information on Satin Bowerbirds, Darebin Creek Darebin Ck,
In April 2013 my son purchased the large house 'Avalon' in Rowe St, Alphington.
The large neglected garden ran down to Darebin Creek and the cycle path.The
former owners originally kept a mini-zoo there (I recall an Emu sometimes seen
in the front garden), with Peafowl, andmany aviaries of parrots and other
birds. I do not know if they ever kept Satin Bowerbirds, but my son's family
report that in early 2013 there was a bower full of blue plastic on the creek
flat under a tamarisk bush. Work on the neglected garden included much
grass-cutting and weed removal, and the bower did not survive goats, a flood,
and lawn-mowing, though there are still several productive plum, peach, apple
and pear trees nearby, and much blackberry. It seems quite possible that SBBs
could maintain themselves as a free breeding population, and be the source of
birds recently seen in the area. There may well be more observations made if
observers look out for them along the Yarra and the Creek.
Anthea Fleming
Emerald Dove 18 Yarralea St, Alphington
Emerald Dove feeding in my backyard at 06:45 today. Flew up to a fence and away
east when I open the door to take a photo; not re-found. Called for a period.
Unlike this week's Satin Bowerbird, no evidence of rings or abnormal
morphology, and seemed as confiding/shy as wild birds. [Thanks Guy. Most likely
an escapee. If wild, this is an extraordinary record. It will be interesting to
see if this bird is re-seen, or if any other Emerald Dove turn up in Vic. TD]
Guy Dutson
Mon 30 Dec Long-toed Stint Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Long-toed Stint (1) Last pond Western Lagoons, thanks to Tim Bawden. The bird
banding didn't scare them off. Very good look at 1 probably 2 others. Also
Brown Falcon sitting on a post with a Willie Wagtail sitting on its back!
Angus Hartshorn
Mon 30 Dec Brown Quail Jawbone Reserve, Williamstown
A group of five Brown Quail in arboretum area. I managed to get a picture as
they stopped under a tree for a short moment
Richard Arnold
Mon 30 Dec Sanderling, Hooded Plover Killarney Beach
On the beach there were 23 Sanderling busily feeding with the shallow waves, 3
pairs of adult Hooded Plovers (5 banded with rings), 3 Red-capped Plovers, a
Pied Oystercatcher presumably nesting as well as an adult pair of Kelp Gulls.
On the adjoining rocks were a pair of Sooty Oystercatchers, about 20 Red-necked
Stint, 5 Ruddy Turnstones and 2 groups of Black-faced Cormorants.
Edwin Vella
Black-tailed Native-Hen Rocky Valley Dam
Surprising at this altitude (1600m), seen crossing road, disappeared into
alpine snow gum/heath, then re-emerged. Also flushed Latham's Snipe from
road-side drain on ridge between this site and Pretty Valley Pondage.
Ian Sutherland
Arctic Jaeger Port Phillip Bay
At least 4 pale morph Arctic Jaegers seen from a boat between St. Kilda Marina
and Chinaman's Hat. A few roosting Black-faced Cormorants on the structure and
a pod of about 15 dolphins close by.
Falk Wicker
Grey Goshawk (White Morph) Croydon
This morning on the way to work (at roughly 8:45am) I saw a white morph Grey
Goshawk over the Kent Rd/Maroondah Hwy intersection at Croydon, most likely a
male based on its size.
Tim Nickholds
Brolga Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
One pair of brolgas were photographed on Western Lagoon this morning. They were
about 100 metres down the right hand dirt road as you enter the gate and gave
great views, as they were right next to the to the road. There were so many
vehicles down there this morning that they must have taken flight as they were
no where to be seen when I left.
Bernie OKeefe
Long-toed Stint Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Inspired by Tim Bawden's report yesterday, Hedley Earl and myself headed down
to Western Lagoons in search of the LTS. After some searching in the northern
most pond at Western Lagoon, we located one bird feeding on the edge of the
pond. We were fortunate as not long after, bird banding was about to commence
on this same pond, which will no doubt stir up many of the birds so I can't
guarantee it will remain there. The photo clearly shows a small stint with
yellow legs and a long toe.
Bernie OKeefe and Hedley Earl
Sun 29 Dec Malleefowl Ouyen Patchewollock Road
2 seen around 8pm, but much harder find than I expected, one was in a harvested
paddock beyond the ribbon of scrub . Unfortunately I also saw two Foxes
(hopefully attracted by the more numerous Rabbits which were also present)
David Mitford
Mallee Emuwren Hattah-Kulkyne National Park
3 seen after hearing their calls at the T-intersection of Nowingi Track &
Konardin Track around 6 pm.
David Mitford
Satin Bowerbird Ivanhoe
Following the report of a Satin Bowerbird in Ivanhoe, a female seen well along
the Yarra between Darebin Creek and Wilson Reserve. Presumed to be an escapee
as it had a yellow ring and overgrown upper mandible, and was very confiding
Digger Jackson c/o Guy Dutson
Cicadbird, White-throated Needletail, Australian Raven Mortimer Picnic
Ground, Bunyip, Vic
About 40 White-throated Needletails were seen moving west above the trees. A
pair of Cicadabirds were heard calling and one bird was seen in the dry forest
across the road from the picnic area. A single Australian Raven flew into the
picnic ground and landed on a dead branch in a gum. It was seen well and the
call was heard.
Jen Spry & Joy Tansey
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet Banyule Flats Reserve
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet (2) Along Main Yarra Trail near transmission lines.
Good views, their calls drew my attention to them.
Owen Lishmund
Sat 28 Dec Black Falcon and Peregrine Falcon Mildura
Whilst driving through Mildura saw a Black Falcon near Gol Gol recreation area
(plus 35 Black Kites) and a Peregrine Falcon calling and flying around the tall
radio tower into middle of town.
David Mitford
Fri 27 Dec Common Sandpiper (3) Kororoit Creek Nature Reserve, Altona North
3 Common Sandpipers seen together beside the causeway.
Edwin Vella
Osprey Painkalac Creek estuary, Aireys Inlet
Sorry for late posting. Osprey seen hawking estuary, just behind the sand
dunes. Great views for 5 minutes at about 10.30am.
Tim Mckellar
Thu 26 Dec Masked Woodswallow Eynesbury Forest
One Masked Woodswallow in Eynesbury. Another drab looking woodswallow nearby,
but not close enough for proper scrutiny, possible a female bird. Also about
100 White-browed Woodswallows everywhere.
Daryl Akers
Wed 25 Dec Australian Koel Bairnsdale & St Kilda
Sorry, haven't seen the bird; but the distinctive call in the wee-hours of the
morning is a dead giveaway. Heard the male calling pretty much from 25 through
29 December in Bairnsdale. Upon returning to Melbourne, heard the male Koel
again this morning in East St Kilda. Am unable to differentiate though, between
the Eastern Koel or the Common Koel. Have never heard this bird before in
either parts of the State.
Linda Bullen
Australian Koel Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne
As recently reported,Koel heard calling briefly in the gardens at about 12pm.
Ben Sinclair
Mon 23 Dec Latham's Snipe Lilydale Treatment Plant
Latham's Snipe (20 odd), New Holland Honeyeater, Red-browed Finches, Pink-eared
Ducks, Hardheads, Aus Shovelers European Goldfinches and Cattle Egrets with
Straw-necked Ibis. Snipe caught on trail cam. All spotted from outside Lilydale
TP along the old Coldstream train tracks.
Andrew Wallis
Birdline Victoria is sponsored by BirdLife
Victoria<> and
hosted by Eremaea Birds<>.
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