In Tromsø, N. Norway, there is not all that much choice this time a year, nor
is there much daylight. This year the Black-billed Magpie won ut over the
Hooded Crow ,and these are the two birds I have seen hitherto; on the other
hand, there are many of them. We have overcast weather, light frost, after we
have had temperatures just above freezing for most of the Christmas
holidays---first time in my 40 years here--, and there is about 2 ft of snow on
the ground. Few land birds, although the occasional Great and Willow Tit show
up at my feeders, and there are House Sparrows here and there in town.
Yesterday Riet and i walked along the shore of the sound here (That never
freezes over) and there are more birds there: Flocks of Northern Eider, a few
Common Scoters, a Red-breasted Merganser. Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls
and Great Cormorants. A Winter-clad Black Guillemot was unexpected, we rarely
see them in town.
I wish all Birding-Aussers an excellent 2014, at home, at work and at play.
Wim Vader, Tromsø Museum
Tromsø, Norway
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