I haven't been reading the Birdforum discussion, Graeme, but I'd be
surprised if the GinaRinehardt on Birdforum was the same person we often
see in our newspapers - people do this all the time on social media, where
it is very easy to make up a user name without any sort of verification.
Lots of celebrities use names such as TheRealJohnSmith on Twitter and
Facebook - but it's hard to tell if they are genuine sometimes! It's yet
another 1st world problem ...
On 13 October 2013 15:37, Graeme Chapman
> Hello Matthew,
> I'm afraid the Rare bird subforum of Birdforum seems to be inhabited
> mainly by pedants or twitchers, neither of whom matter very much in the
> overall scheme of things. John Young has been out in the desert looking for
> Night Parrots for many years and finally he has found them, and what really
> matters, raised their public profile. The pictures are just that -
> pictures, and if they have been edited for public consumption, so be it.
> There has never been any suggestion that Night Parrots don't still exist
> and there are many observations in recent times to support this.
> What matters more to many people (but not everybody) is their future
> conservation. Recently elected Liberal/National Governments have shown
> their true colours and the future for conservation in Australia is looking
> grim - opening up National Parks to cattle grazing is just one issue, even
> to hunting (shooting) in NSW! Our only hope may rest with private
> enterprise - if we want land for conservation purposes, we'll simply have
> to buy it. This is already taking place by people like Bush Heritage and
> AWC (Australian Wildlife Conservancy) albeit on a very small scale.
> This brings me to my main point. Post #651 in the subforum has gone
> completely un-noticed. Let us all hope that the reason the world's richest
> woman, apart from claiming to have seen a Night Parrot, has spent time on
> Birdforum not only to join but to post a comment. She may well be
> interested in the future well-being of the Night Parrot and she alone could
> make a difference.
> Regards
> Graeme Chapman
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