Birdline Tasmania
Published sightings for the week ending 7 Jul 2013.
Thu 4 Jul
Freckled Duck
Goulds Lagoon, Granton
At least six Freckled Ducks present, roosting on western side. Individuals dispersed, with at least two associating closely with male shovelers. In addition, at least 30 pairs of shoveler were counted, with others potentially hidden by vegetation. No sign of any Pink-eared Ducks.
Karen Dick
Wed 3 Jul
(Eclectus Parrot)
This is the image taken yesterday at Tinderbox by Els Wakefield (see reported sighting below). It has been cropped and lightened to show the colours and shape of the bill. The size of the bird was at least 30cm high and it has a short tail with a hint of a light tip. Through the binoculars it looked all green with a large pink-orange, hooked bill. Would love to know the sex of the other bird responding to its call.
Els Wakefield and Karen Dick
(Eclectus Parrot)
Tinderbox Peninsula
One male seen calling and a second bird returning the calls, presumed escapes, in tall gum trees approximately half km south of Tinderbox tennis court. In gully on hill-side of road, near roadside house between sharp bends.
Els Wakefield and Karen Dick
White-necked Heron
Bruny Island
White-necked Heron (2) In roadside paddock about 2km northeast of Alonnah town boundary. Flushed by a passing school bus while I was photographing them.
Rob Hamilton
Sun 30 Jun
Freckled Duck
Tamar Island Wetlands
Late afternoon visit, just before sunset. Walked to the bird hide, and also along the track towards Launceston for a short distance.
Freckled Duck (1) photo taken for ID.
Tim and Marg Roberts
Fri 28 Jun
White-necked Heron
Seen on the side of the road close to Dover whilst driving south.
Tim and Marg Roberts
Sat 22 Jun
Red-kneed Dotterel
Strahan Ocean Beach
One observed foraging amongst 160+ Double-banded Plovers, Red-capped Plovers, Red-necked Stints and 11 Sanderling on Strahan Ocean Beach. Unusual to see this species feeding in a tidal environment.
Martin Schulz
White-necked Heron
One observed foraging on a lawn along with a White-faced Heron.
Martin Schulz
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