It also stated that the last sighting was 1979, but surely the 2006
sighting should count, since it was accepted by BARC. I couldn't help but
wonder whether ignoring that sighting was an error, or related to the
politics surrounding that sighting and The Australian's position on
development vs environmental protection.
On 1 July 2013 17:19, Alan Stuart <> wrote:
> The article in The Weekend Australian stated that there were only 250 night
> parrots in existence. How did somebody come up with that figure? Surely
> there is no way to make any estimate of the population currently. One hopes
> that this exciting discovery will lead to better knowledge about night
> parrots and eventually to get to a reasonable idea of how many of them
> exist. There might be one at the base of every second spinifex bush, for
> all we know (although none have ever been within any spinifex bushes that
> I've ever checked!)
> Alan Stuart
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